Forum Activity for @paul

11/17/20 12:41:11AM
4,335 posts

Search reset glitch?

Using Jamroom

As you say, searching for Andrew Davis returns all profiles that contain Andrew or Davis in their info. When you search for just Davis it does return some of the same profiles, as expected.
If you want an absolute search for Andrew Davis, put it in quotes - "Andrew Davis"
11/16/20 10:43:54AM
4,335 posts

Mogul Skin Side Menu Issue

Design and Skin Customization

Received the login.
I've just done what I detailed above and it worked straight away.
I've left the menu_side.tpl template modified so that you can check it out.
11/16/20 10:27:50AM
4,335 posts

Search reset glitch?

Using Jamroom

What page is this on?
11/14/20 10:10:32AM
4,335 posts

Mogul Skin Side Menu Issue

Design and Skin Customization

Just email it to support[at]jamroom[dot]net
11/14/20 07:50:04AM
4,335 posts

Mogul Skin Side Menu Issue

Design and Skin Customization

Let me know in a ticket what site this is on, and its admin login so that I can check it out.
11/14/20 07:12:34AM
4,335 posts

Search reset glitch?

Using Jamroom

I've just tried this on your site here and not sure if I'm seeing the issue -

Can you detail the exact search terms you are using and what you expect to see so that I can check it out?
11/13/20 02:30:07AM
4,335 posts

Mogul Skin Side Menu Issue

Design and Skin Customization

Be sure that you have copied the code correctly and that you have put it in the right place - See below.

            {* User menu entries *}
            {if jrCore_module_is_active('jrSiteBuilder')}

            {*** Put login and signup code here ***}
            {if !jrUser_is_logged_in()}
                {jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
                {if $_conf.jrCore_maintenance_mode != 'on' && $_conf.jrUser_signup_on == 'on'}
                    <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/signup">
                            {jrCore_lang skin="jrMogul" id="50" default="Sign Up"}
                <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/login">
                        {jrCore_lang skin="jrMogul" id="49" default="Login"}
            {*** /Put login and signup code here ***}

            {* Cart *}
            {if jrCore_module_is_active('jrPayment')}
                <!-- jrPayment_cart_html -->
            {elseif jrCore_module_is_active('jrFoxyCart') && strlen($_conf.jrFoxyCart_api_key) > 0}
                    {jrCore_lang skin="jrMogul" id=35 default="Cart" assign="ct"}
                    <a href="{$_conf.jrFoxyCart_store_domain}/cart?cart=view">{$ct}</a>
                    <span id="fc_minicart" style="display:none"><span id="fc_quantity"></span></span>
11/12/20 01:02:06PM
4,335 posts

Mogul Skin Side Menu Issue

Design and Skin Customization

Am seeing this as well and will get it fixed up.
In the short term, add this code at line 12 of the menu_side.tpl template, between the 'User menu entries' and 'Cart' blocks.

            {if !jrUser_is_logged_in()}
                {jrCore_module_url module="jrUser" assign="uurl"}
                {if $_conf.jrCore_maintenance_mode != 'on' && $_conf.jrUser_signup_on == 'on'}
                    <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/signup">
                            {jrCore_lang skin="jrMogul" id="50" default="Sign Up"}
                <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$uurl}/login">
                        {jrCore_lang skin="jrMogul" id="49" default="Login"}

Thanks for letting us know.
11/10/20 04:31:39AM
4,335 posts

The request cannot be completed

Using Jamroom

Can you post a screenshot of this? I'm wondering if its a Jamroom or YouTube message.
11/07/20 01:17:47AM
4,335 posts

License ID

Installation and Configuration

Have done this for you. Not sure why or what error message you were getting but it worked ok from this end.