Forum Activity for @holly-dilatush

Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 08:05:49PM
212 posts

how to 'lock' main menu bar?

Design and Skin Customization

Where should we look for likely 'errors' in our coding/settings?
This topic is posted for Joanna and Holly (me).

We are a Ning 2.0 to JamRoom site, in development, and our main menu bar 'floats' instead of being locked.

When we zoom in or out our menu bar moves up or down... and so our white text on dark header bar becomes white menu bar on white background (obviously not acceptable). And sometimes it overlays other navigation tabs, so it's really hard for us to work!

In case this isn't clear, try Ctrl+ a few times (PC) or enlarge (Mac device) and watch the "Products | Pricing |Support |Blog |Search (and so on) that you see above you.
When you enlarge far enough, the same thing happens here!

On this page, I can shrink several times and not have an issue, but on our site, if I shrink 2 or 3 times (on my PC laptop or my iMac desktop) or if I enlarge (which I do because I am 61 and my eyes dislike small font and I love enlarging my screen views! LOL).

Here on JamRoom, I have to zoom to 250% before it's an issue. [So I had not noticed this as an issue until now when I tested it... I usually view at 150%.]

But on our site, the challenge arrives much sooner!

Please offer suggestions on how we might 'lock' that main menu bar on the header OR how we might have it so that we have the same 250% margin that this forum has.

I hope you understand what I'm asking, or that Joanna can articulate it in a better way when she logs on from Poland in a few hours.

Any help appreciated. As always, Thank you.
updated by @holly-dilatush: 12/27/16 01:05:34PM
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 06:39:50PM
212 posts

dropdown menu from Profile name (where to find in language editor)

Using Jamroom

Perfect! (I'd found this earlier for a few other changes, but somehow couldn't find my way back for this one).

Thank you
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 06:35:59PM
212 posts

imported profile info

Ning To Jamroom

Hello again,
I just thought I'd share the discovery we made earlier today (Joanna made)...

She suggested we check in Skins... and we found:http://(your site)

We unchecked the box and refreshed... then RE-checked the box and tried a new test registration...
All the old Ning signup info is erased and blank slates await incoming migrating members.

It feels great to be resolving SOME of these challenges on our own (and many more with nudges from the support help here).

*I love the little tips (Tours) JamRoom provides, too.
Hoping we'll figure out how to customize ours one of these days
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 06:06:11PM
212 posts

dropdown menu from Profile name (where to find in language editor)

Using Jamroom

Hello all,
I've installed 'support ticket' module, and activated it.

I've made several changes in language editor (mainly 'support' to 'help'), from:
ACP/admin/support ticket/language, but I can't find where to change the language so that the dropdown menu (see screenshot) will read "help tickets."

Where am I forgetting to look?
Thank you,
Screenshot 2016-09-25 21.05.40.png Screenshot 2016-09-25 21.05.40.png - 134KB

updated by @holly-dilatush: 12/27/16 09:08:18PM
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 01:54:45PM
212 posts

events setting time options for GMT 0 (NOT London), predicament international RSVPers


OK. I am (once again) not communicating clearly.

The challenge is not a ten-minute challenge, but a one-hour challenge.

Let me try it this way.

If it is 4 p.m. my real time (Virginia, USA, EST/DST time) and I add a blog post, I am adding it at 8 p.m. real UTC/GMT time.

BUT the notification is going to show that I added it at 9 p.m. GMT (because JamRoom's GMT is not 'real' UTC time).

This is not a problem for others in different time zones, since JamRoom does let us choose to post blogs at future times.

BUT when I am sitting in my chair and I know I added it 'now' and I see it on JamRoom added now (because I did NOT change the 00:00:00 options in blog edit box), it is downright WEIRD to see that I posted something at 9 p.m. GMT when it is only 8 p.m. GMT when you look at our UTC/GMT (the CORRECT time clock that is on our site).

I'm attaching a screenshot of our calendar/classes page showing a correct current time of 8:49 GMT. JamRoom's clocks say it is 9:49 GMT at the same time this clock says it is 8:49 GMT.

Many times members are posting new discussions and replies back and forth 'live time'.

Seeing wrong times is just downright confusing, complicating.

[Maybe Joanna or someone else who understands what I'm trying to say can explain it better?]
Screenshot 2016-09-25 16.49.45.png Screenshot 2016-09-25 16.49.45.png - 671KB
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 10:00:23AM
212 posts

Groups not showing from profile pages (only from dropdown)

Using Jamroom

I have used language editor to relabel the tab "Groups I created" (it's lengthier than I'd like, but it should help resolve some confusion).
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 09:56:33AM
212 posts

imported profile info

Ning To Jamroom

@Strumelia and all: It is marvelous how different life experiences can be when approached with a 'joy of learning' spirit, isn't it?

Speaking of learning...

The 'duh' strikes again. (embarrassed)
Thank you @elise
updated by @holly-dilatush: 09/25/16 09:57:51AM
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 09:53:47AM
212 posts

New and learning

Using Jamroom

Welcome @robinlynnemabin

I hope you'll stick with it and find your way. We're migrating from 2.0 (we put days and days and days into setting up 3.0, only to be told we could NOT migrate to 3.0, and we wanted Events and Archive before we migrated, so we stayed with 2.0).

Anyway, I understand that the Ning 3.0 to JamRoom experience is a bit different.
You'll want to check

I have a habit now of checking both documentation and this support forum when I get lost in the ACP.

*tip: in the ACP, be sure you are reminding yourself to check all the tabs... the language and info tabs on module pages have been especially helpful for me.

We've been here in JamRoom less than a month, but are almost ready to flip the 'go live' switch.

You can see the 'before' ( and 'coming soon!/developer' ( versions of what we've done/are doing.

Best wishes for exultant success,
updated by @holly-dilatush: 09/25/16 09:55:20AM
Holly Dilatush
09/25/16 08:41:56AM
212 posts

imported profile info

Ning To Jamroom

Yeah. I'm getting pretty used to working with two browsers and testing as regular user and as admin...
It's a new habit to develop, for sure (and not at all a 'natural' thing for me). I've set our site's logo as the image for my admin profile (the image I'm using here now), hoping that when I post and see that logo, it will dawn on me that I'm posting as admin and not as 'Holly'. :)

But something you wrote gave me an 'aha!' moment. The info I've been seeing (as a regular user and as admin) -- the info I've been fretting about -- was an optional profile question on Ning... NOT as mandatory private questions... [I had completely forgotten that we'd made those changes to sign up questions on Ning.

I just now checked (as standard user) several profiles here on Jamroom... and all is well. Whew.

Once again, thank you for the help and understanding of the 'duh' moments that Ning to JamRoomers experience.

This discussion may be closed.