Latest Activity showing "Holly posted a new comment on Holly"
Using Jamroom
Hi again, Brian.
I ran the updates, integrity check, reset cache over 10 minutes ago.
The first screenshot shared above still appears the same way in our latest activity timeline (not sure if it was supposed to retroactively correct?)
But I tested by leaving a new comment on another profile, and discovered that when I typed:
@Holly @LEWWWP-Learner
@admin" became active.
BUT when I typed
@holly, @lewwwp-learner,
all three were active.
So the problem is that these are apparently case sensitive?!
I like to type members' names with appropriate honorific capitals.
Apparently I cannot do that?
Profile names are typed with Upper case lowercase, but convert to lower case.
Is there a way to not have these be case-sensitive?
That may well be the error all along, since I am not the only one who tends to naturally capitalize names.
I tried a second test...
Well, so... I wrote the above and then went back and refreshed the home page once again.
Now it works capitalized or uncapitalized! Hooray! Yes! Woot!
it still shows "Holly
Is this the way it will always work... it will never say "Holly posted a comment on
Please see attached screenshot (this is 15 minutes after installing updates and resetting cache).