Forum Activity for @izhmel

08/02/23 05:03:35AM
1,353 posts

convert executable

Using Jamroom

In cpanel there many convert , wish one is convert executable?
/bin/convert is not working correctly
updated by @izhmel: 11/06/23 09:53:25AM
08/01/23 09:22:44PM
1,353 posts

select all check box

Using Jamroom

I rather build a module with a checkbox. How much $ to modify the page and put checkboxes as shown in the attachment with a delete button on the page to delete profile and media?
Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 1.6MB

updated by @izhmel: 08/01/23 09:50:37PM
08/01/23 02:24:21PM
1,353 posts

select all check box

Using Jamroom

How do I delete more than one artist profile in JR at the same time, is there a select all check box ?
updated by @izhmel: 11/06/23 09:55:28AM
08/01/23 07:25:46AM
1,353 posts

audio import tool

Using Jamroom

How do I add prices to the item when importing? It will take too long adding prices to all the songs over 1000 songs. As far as I remember, the older version allowed you to add prices upon importing.

updated by @izhmel: 08/01/23 07:30:23AM
07/31/23 09:16:51AM
1,353 posts

audio import tool

Using Jamroom

I am looking for the audio import tool so I can import many songs that is tagged .
Importing over 1000 songs individually is painful. I hope the tool is still in JR
updated by @izhmel: 11/11/23 09:37:15PM
07/31/23 08:52:41AM
1,353 posts

"site news"

Using Jamroom

07/30/23 11:00:11AM
1,353 posts

PHP modules

Using Jamroom

As of PHP 8.0.0, apcu-bc is no longer supported.

wish convert in php do I enable ? there many of them in Perl Modules

Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 1.5MB

updated by @izhmel: 10/28/23 10:10:50PM
07/30/23 09:14:02AM
1,353 posts

"site news"

Using Jamroom

The site i in Maintenace now. here is a screen shot.
Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 2.2MB
07/29/23 10:40:45PM
1,353 posts

"site news"

Using Jamroom

I created "site news". under admin blog but JR still shows

Jamroom 5 is a powerful flexible PHP Content Management Framework, great for building community based sites and custom apps.

Admin Note: Go to the Admin profile blog section to create site news for this section, make sure to set the category to "site news".

updated by @izhmel: 10/30/23 03:59:24PM
09/15/22 10:08:07AM
1,353 posts

video problems

Using Jamroom

I uploaded the video in the link and the video dont show and there is nothing in the Queue Worker
Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 1.2MB

updated by @izhmel: 09/15/22 10:08:27AM