Forum Activity for @izhmel

09/06/20 07:59:00PM
1,325 posts

How do I add graphics to the signup page ?

Using Jamroom

How do I add graphics to the signup page ?

It would be good to have different sign up buttons on the sign up page .
For example if a quota has a signup for " fans " the fans I con would show up on the signup page .
Each sign up button would have a different color to avoid sign up problems .
I am finding users selecting the wrong sign up .
updated by @izhmel: 01/14/21 10:42:06AM
09/06/20 07:49:14PM
1,325 posts

How do I delete missing media file from the player ?

Using Jamroom

The 404 is what I want to delete . I
thought there was a tool for that
this is why we need skip over missing media function
09/06/20 04:44:10PM
1,325 posts

How do I delete missing media file from the player ?

Using Jamroom

How do I delete missing media file from the player ?
updated by @izhmel: 12/20/20 07:52:03PM
09/06/20 04:37:55PM
1,325 posts

I cant access URL from mobile device

Using Jamroom

custom XDubMusic skin
09/06/20 05:32:18AM
1,325 posts

This video file is currently being processed

Using Jamroom

same happening with

I thought it had to do with slow uploading speed my end possibly? but it is taking an unusually long time to process I must say. leaving browser open let's see how long it takes..
09/06/20 05:29:06AM
1,325 posts

Mobile Device Friendly Version

Using Jamroom

Perfect thanks so much
09/06/20 05:26:32AM
1,325 posts

How to delete/remove Disqus?

Using Jamroom

I kept getting an error regarding "Disqus" not being able to load - and to see the troubleshooting guide - how to remove it completely? when I press the troubleshooting link it just shows me a D logo... how to get rid of it?

Message: We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide.

Thanks for any assistance in advance.
disqus.JPG disqus.JPG - 12KB

updated by @izhmel: 12/05/20 08:28:40AM
09/05/20 03:25:58PM
1,325 posts

Mobile Device Friendly Version

Using Jamroom

How to preview what my website looks like on a mobile device without having to use a mobile - we need a preview button for both desktop and mobile device. Is there a way?
Bear in mind most people are now only using mobile devices so the website needs to be mobile device friendly for all screen sizes.
Any help with be appreciated.
updated by @izhmel: 12/06/20 02:31:46PM
09/01/20 12:28:24PM
1,325 posts

landing page

Using Jamroom

where do I locate the templates ?