Forum Activity for @izhmel

03/17/20 11:05:18AM
1,329 posts

Hot to change the service charge

Using Jamroom

where do I change service charge $1.00
updated by @izhmel: 06/28/20 09:55:17AM
03/17/20 09:22:43AM
1,329 posts

You have reached the maximum number of streams

Using Jamroom

How can I modify the message to say
You have reached the maximum number of streams that can be performed in one day - buy a subscription
with a link directing the user to pay for a plan ?
updated by @izhmel: 06/28/20 06:36:19AM
03/15/20 03:04:14PM
1,329 posts

Admin page not showing correctly after login

Using Jamroom

Admin page not showing correctly after login , all other page shows correctly
page.jpg page.jpg - 591KB

updated by @izhmel: 03/17/20 04:35:46AM
03/14/20 01:57:14PM
1,329 posts

menu items

Using Jamroom

The code did work where you suggested it

{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrBlog')}
{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="93" default="Blogs"}
{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrBlog')}
{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="68" default="contact us"}
03/13/20 09:58:26AM
1,329 posts

menu items

Using Jamroom

How can I make the menu items not go away when the user not logged in ?

Please see the attachment

menu Items.jpg menu Items.jpg - 861KB

updated by @izhmel: 06/28/20 10:01:44AM
03/12/20 02:39:51PM
1,329 posts

User Limits Browser

Using Jamroom

I find visitors can stream more than what is allowed in the quota for visitors wish is 10
quata.jpg quata.jpg - 719KB

updated by @izhmel: 06/28/20 10:01:38AM
03/11/20 05:47:33PM
1,329 posts

The Audio module is allowing the audio module on quota that it is not assigned to .

Using Jamroom

I don't want fans to have the module , how do I disable it for fans ?
