Forum Activity for @izhmel

04/04/20 01:12:16PM
1,329 posts

How do I modify the sign up page

Using Jamroom

How do I modify the sign up page to use check box or something more noticeable instead of the drop down button ?

I find users often time select the wrong account type because they don't notice the drop down button

sign up.jpg sign up.jpg - 610KB

updated by @izhmel: 07/06/20 06:32:12AM
03/24/20 02:15:44PM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

That particular profile only have audio , the modules only show when there is an item i.e. photos , youtube wish is fine with me ,
I want the custom modules to show , how can I make them show ? there is nothing to be added to them like the other modules i.e. photos , youtube , blogs.

It dose not matter what skin I use it produces the same result the modules dose not show when logged in as user .
updated by @izhmel: 03/24/20 07:44:52PM
03/24/20 11:33:29AM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

There are two custom modules Dubmusic Streaming Radio and Subscriptions .
What you see in the menu area are links that has been added and not the actual modules . .. ..

When you are logged in as admin you see both modules as shown where you see i.e. the audio module and the other modules .

When you are logged in as user or logged in to stream is not required the modules dose not show where all the other modules are.

The modules shows in the user profile page , but when the user clicks one of the artist profile page the modules dose not show where all the other modules are .
03/23/20 09:24:40PM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

I logged in as my test user accout - 'paultest'.
I click on any artist on the homepage and I see the artist page and the 'DubMusic Streaming Radio' button. See attached screen shot.
Am I right in assuming that is the button of the custom module to which this thread is referring? Or is it something else and I'm missing what the issue really is?

when you are on the home page click on one of the profiles and you will see the modules dose not show ..
Please see module dose not show.png and make sure you are not logged in as admin
updated by @izhmel: 03/23/20 09:29:00PM
03/22/20 04:58:35PM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

After you login as a user click one of the artists on the front page and you will see the modules dose not show as shown in"page1.jpg"

03/20/20 02:32:29PM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

It dose not matter what skin I uses the custom modules dose not show to all users they only shows to only the admin .

Please see page2.png
03/20/20 08:26:16AM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

The issue is only admin can see the custom modules as shown in the attachments " Dubmusic Streaming Radio" and "subscriptions" visitors or members cant see the modules as shown in the attachment .

Please see page1.png
updated by @izhmel: 03/20/20 08:32:04AM
03/19/20 08:27:09PM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

There is content there as shown in the two attachments . The module only shows to admins
updated by @izhmel: 03/19/20 08:29:04PM
03/19/20 09:36:43AM
1,329 posts

How do I make custom modules show to all users ?

Using Jamroom

How do I make custom modules show to all users ? custom modules only show to admins.
page.jpg page.jpg - 952KB

updated by @izhmel: 06/28/20 07:34:08AM
03/17/20 11:05:50AM
1,329 posts

You have reached the maximum number of streams

Using Jamroom


I need it to redirect to and the language file is not html friendly
How do I make it redirect ?
updated by @izhmel: 03/17/20 11:52:53AM