Forum Activity for @izhmel

06/25/20 12:02:57PM
1,325 posts

updates alert

Using Jamroom

I develop plugins and when I do an update it would be good to have an automated way to alert users who buy plugins from the website by emails about the new updates , or when there is a new plugin uploaded.

updated by @izhmel: 10/07/20 07:58:19AM
06/25/20 11:51:57AM
1,325 posts

duplicate profile tool

Using Jamroom

I find allot of duplicate profiles , a duplicate profile tool would be nice to have to delete one of them , delete the ones without photos .
see attachment..
duplicate profiles.jpg duplicate profiles.jpg - 527KB
06/20/20 08:28:47PM
1,325 posts

duplicate profile tool

Using Jamroom

A duplicate profile tool would be nice to have
updated by @izhmel: 09/24/20 04:00:17PM
06/08/20 11:25:08AM
1,325 posts

delete old JR modules

Using Jamroom

How can I delete old JR modules and only keep the last update ?
updated by @izhmel: 09/09/20 12:29:20AM
05/30/20 01:45:54PM
1,325 posts

The website takes a long time to load

Using Jamroom

Where is javascript warnings and blocks caused by ads coming from ?
05/29/20 03:47:28PM
1,325 posts

When users are not logged in

Using Jamroom

When users are not logged in and they get the message "You must be logged in to stream audio files"
when the hit OK I want them to be redirected to
How can I make that happen ? or on the message box "You must be logged in to stream audio files"
how can I put the logged in or create an account buttons there ?

Thanks in advance
logged in.jpg logged in.jpg - 531KB

updated by @izhmel: 08/28/20 12:51:59PM