Forum Activity for @deb-w

Deb W.
10/04/17 03:20:57PM
136 posts

Groups: how to receive notification of new member applying for a private group

Ning To Jamroom

I'm not sure what the hesitancy is about this. If users are linked to a profile, I would think it's a good thing for them to automatically get a message when someone interacts with that profile. Why would that be a bad thing?

Is there any other way that I'm missing for multiple people to be admins for a group ? That's what started this whole discussion on our end.
Deb W.
10/04/17 03:17:05PM
136 posts

Help! How do I make Private Notes work?

Using Jamroom

Thanks, Strumelia - I figured that one out. I just wanted to see if there was an easier way for our hosts to welcome people. so they get a notice of a new member and then they go straight to that person's profile to see who they are and to say hi. I can see how that might work from the Private Notes tab in the menu. Just trying to wrap my head around it so I can explain it to our very non-techy crew. :-)

Deb W.
10/04/17 02:48:11PM
136 posts

Help! How do I make Private Notes work?

Using Jamroom

Deb W.:
We were thinking about using the Guestbook, but if I understand that module correctly, it doesn't allow for someone to respond to something posted in their guestbook, does it?

Not by default it doesn't. But you could add comments to each guestbook entry with a bit of template work. What I'd do is create an 'item_detail.tpl' template for the guestbook module to show individual entries and include the Comment Form in that. the 'item_list.tpl' template would then be modified so that each entry links to its own detail page.

Let me sound out the team on this and see what they say... I'll be back with more questions about this tomorrow.
Deb W.
10/04/17 02:46:03PM
136 posts

Groups: how to receive notification of new member applying for a private group

Ning To Jamroom

It may be easiest to just update the Group module so as to send notifications to all linked users, but want to think about it for a bit to make sure there are no implications with this.

That would be a wonderful thing.... And since individual people can set their notifications so that they don't get the notifications, we could allow some of the linked users to opt out.
Deb W.
10/04/17 02:13:57PM
136 posts

Help! How do I make Private Notes work?

Using Jamroom

We were thinking about using the Guestbook, but if I understand that module correctly, it doesn't allow for someone to respond to something posted in their guestbook, does it?
Deb W.
10/04/17 02:11:22PM
136 posts

Help! How do I make Private Notes work?

Using Jamroom

You'd want to put a link on the profile pages that only shows to Hosting Team users that links to http://yoursite/note/new

Any tips on how exactly I do that? Remember who you're talking to here, Paul. It's Deb, the accidental techie. ;-) So if you can be precise, that would be appreciated.
Deb W.
10/04/17 02:08:40PM
136 posts

Groups: how to receive notification of new member applying for a private group

Ning To Jamroom

Ok, but I need to say that we don't like that! I created a special profile that I linked to two different people. it has a "neutral" name because we didn't want the group to show up as belonging to one person.

So in our case, we set up a "Fellows" profile that is linked to two member accounts (Mary & Lynn) so that Mary and Lynn can both have some sort of admin rights to the profile. Then we created a group called "Fellows group" that is "owned" by the profile called "Fellows".

So "ownership" of the group looks like it belongs to the Fellows profile, but that doesn't matter?

Any other ideas for a work-around on this one?
Deb W.
10/04/17 01:59:39PM
136 posts

Groups: how to receive notification of new member applying for a private group

Ning To Jamroom

Ahhh... that explains it I think. So I will actually need to change the owner of the group to one person, who will then receive the emails...

Thanks, Paul. You're helpful, as always.
Deb W.
10/04/17 01:56:44PM
136 posts

Help! How do I make Private Notes work?

Using Jamroom

Hi Paul - Just saw your reply but I'm still a little confused. If I (Deb) wanted to send a private note to you (Paul), I would go to your profile page (Paul's) and hover over your profile image and a drop down image would show up? if that's what you're saying, then nope, it's not working on my site. I'm using Sage for a skin if that makes a difference.

From their profile page. Hover over the profile image in the top bar and a drop down will show. The Private Notes link is in that.
Deb W.
10/04/17 01:45:24PM
136 posts

Help! How do I make Private Notes work?

Using Jamroom

Never mind.... I think I figured it out. It's a button under my name in the main menu, isn't it?

What I would like the hosting team to be able to do is to go to the person's profile page and send them a message (either public or private, we don't care which) from their profile page. What is the best way to do that?