Forum Activity for @andrusito

02/21/17 09:01:04AM
302 posts

Show specific download link for different browser

Jamroom Developers

I'm looking for someone to build a module (or plugin or whatever) that detects the browser's user.

Then, show an specific download link if the user is visiting the website through a browser inside an app.

Can anyone do that?
updated by @andrusito: 06/12/17 05:35:28AM
02/21/17 05:45:45AM
302 posts

Conditional if browser

Design and Skin Customization

jajajaja thanks Dazed
02/21/17 04:34:51AM
302 posts

Conditional if browser

Design and Skin Customization

Ok, I'll try that


Just another question. Can u tell me what does 'utmz', 'utmt', etc mean?

I found that in my debug console.

Thanks again
Captura de pantalla 2017-02-20 a las 16.45.16.png Captura de pantalla 2017-02-20 a las 16.45.16.png - 31KB
02/20/17 11:19:57AM
302 posts

Conditional if browser

Design and Skin Customization


Is there any conditional tag for 'browser'? I know in Wordpress you have this, using a plugin:

[is_browser name="chrome" version="45"]
You are using Chrome 45 or above.

Anything like that for Jamroom? I've already check the {debug} but didn't find it.

updated by @andrusito: 05/28/17 08:28:07PM
10/18/16 08:29:11AM
302 posts

Download links on Android Webapp

Installation and Configuration


I'm building an app using an online service called Appsmoment. I think they are hybrid apps because I can show my website inside the app.

I'm trying to use this JR link inside the app:

The result is an android dialog to choose my favourite app to LISTEN the mp3 (attached image) but I want it to DOWNLOAD the song.

I mean, the link is for downloading.. is there any way to force android to DOWNLOAD the mp3?

Screenshot_2016-10-18-12-20-35.png Screenshot_2016-10-18-12-20-35.png - 106KB

updated by @andrusito: 01/21/17 07:08:52PM
09/27/16 10:47:31AM
302 posts

2 jamroom sites, 1 database

Installation and Configuration

Ok, I thought there was a simple way to include that code in a conditional tag.. or something like that.
I don't know 'cause I'm not a programmer.

Thanks anyway @michael.
09/26/16 07:54:49AM
302 posts

2 jamroom sites, 1 database

Installation and Configuration

Hi Brian,

I've run this tool

into my Android app and this is what I get about USER_AGENT:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1; XT1032
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Version/4.0 Chrome/42.0.2311.138 Mobile

And this for the iPhone app:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU
iPhone OS 8_1_1 like Mac OS X)
AppleWebKit/ 600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko)

How can I use that information? How can I show a different mp3 downloads URL for users who come from this browsers?

09/09/16 07:40:52AM
302 posts

2 jamroom sites, 1 database

Installation and Configuration

Can't find anything in debug.

I don't know how to identify users who come from the app. I mean, is it possible to identify them?
09/01/16 08:54:04AM
302 posts

2 jamroom sites, 1 database

Installation and Configuration

mmm no, i don't have any specific header or string for that. I don't know how to differentiate them..
09/01/16 08:28:59AM
302 posts

2 jamroom sites, 1 database

Installation and Configuration

The Template Injection module works very good, and it solves the problem with the download links on the app. Yes.

But if I use it, all users who visit the website through their phone browsers or their computers can't download music, because the new download url with 'external' prefix is not recognized by those browsers.

So, i solve a problem but also generate another one on the other hand.

That's why I thought if I have 2 websites with the same content, BUT one with Template Injection module, it could work...