Forum Activity for @andrusito

07/12/17 09:05:51AM
302 posts

Newsletter name variable

Using Jamroom


Is there any variable to use on my email newsletters to show the artist name or associate user? e.g. {artist_name}

updated by @andrusito: 10/14/17 10:42:47AM
07/12/17 08:57:07AM
302 posts

Private notes to multiple users

Using Jamroom

I don't think a new module is needed.. just adding the option to select more than one user or quota to PM module is enough, because what if I want to send the same short note to 10 users via internal messages? I have to repeat the process 10 times.. I see it impractical.

Anyway, thanks.
06/19/17 07:55:41AM
302 posts

Private notes to multiple users

Using Jamroom

Thanks Paul I did it but it sends messages to email addresses.. although this is a good option, I'd like to send internal messages/private notes to all users.

Thanks anyway :)
06/14/17 09:03:09AM
302 posts

Private notes to multiple users

Using Jamroom


How can I send private notes to more than one user?

As admin I'd like to send notes to all members from a particular quota, that means I need to select a lot of users OR select the quota.

It would be very useful if only admins can send notes to multiple users

I've just updated Private Notes module to 1.4.10 and it is not included.. is there an alternative way?

updated by @andrusito: 10/14/17 10:36:43AM
06/05/17 06:03:48AM
302 posts

Playlist popup/lightbox window

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks both of you, I will try it !!
05/31/17 09:15:11AM
302 posts

Playlist popup/lightbox window

Design and Skin Customization

@boplive which skin are u using? thanks!

@michael note my button is on the left side of the screen and the lightbox window appears right below the button. In your case, it's ok because the button is on the right side. Thanks anyway.
05/30/17 09:16:31AM
302 posts

Playlist popup/lightbox window

Design and Skin Customization


How can I make the lightbox modal playlist window appears always at center of my screen in mobile view? Does anyone know?


Captura de pantalla 2017-05-30 a las 13.15.01 copia.png Captura de pantalla 2017-05-30 a las 13.15.01 copia.png - 138KB

updated by @andrusito: 09/03/17 05:20:36PM
03/02/17 09:44:16AM
302 posts

Show specific download link for different browser

Jamroom Developers

Oh, I didn't receive your response.. and also can't access the link you provide. I get this message:

"You do not have the proper privileges to perform that action!"
03/01/17 06:13:02AM
302 posts

Show specific download link for different browser

Jamroom Developers

@Paul, did you receive my email? I sent it from imagenparaweb [at] gmail . com