Forum Activity for @douglas

05/11/17 01:36:39PM
2,804 posts

Question about HTTPS images

Design and Skin Customization

In your ACP > Users > Users > Global Config > Site Settings, check the Create SSL URL checkbox and save your settings, then reset your caches.

Hope this helps!
05/05/17 06:46:50AM
2,804 posts

How to disable register with email verification

Installation and Configuration

How to disable register with email verification

Go to your ACP > Users > Users > Quota Config

and change to the quota you want to modify by selecting it from the "Selected Quota" drop down, then change the "Signup Method" for that quota and "Save Changes".

Hope this helps!
04/25/17 10:55:46AM
2,804 posts

Site can't be opened after changing tag in site builder

Ning To Jamroom

I must say I am a little reluctant to do that; the reason being is that I am not familiar with this coding (I'm more familiar with html and CSS). I'm adding another image just to clarify.

Use the BBCode Help button below the textarea, next to the Attach File button, to see how to add code to a forum post. It is really simple.

Hope this helps!
04/24/17 03:47:41AM
2,804 posts

jrCore_list Filter By Fixed ProfileIDs

Jamroom Developers

You an also do this:

{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" profile_id="1,2,3" template=$profile_tpl}
04/24/17 03:43:44AM
2,804 posts

Whats the difference between a gallery and a photo album?

Using Jamroom

Yes, if you want to allow profiles to add images, you'll need the Gallery.

Hope this helps!
04/23/17 12:01:39PM
2,804 posts

Whats the difference between a gallery and a photo album?

Using Jamroom

A Gallery is what you using to upload images, to a Gallery, the Photo Album is like a playlist of images.

You need the Gallery module if you want to allow profiles to upload images and create Galleries, you only need the Photo Album if you want to allow your users to create Photo Albums of images from your profiles Galleries.

Gallery Docs:

Photo Album Docs:

Hope this helps!
04/22/17 07:52:50AM
2,804 posts

Firefox Warning when Logging In

Using Jamroom

Not sure about safari, you are probably in the right area, but you may need to look for site preferences instead of history.

Maybe someone with more Safari experience can chime in here?
04/22/17 05:24:04AM
2,804 posts

Importing a CSV into genosis ??


after a while of digging around I found this exec2gedcom.xls at
and after a little modifying the macro it ran ....

Good find! Glad you got it sorted!
04/21/17 12:03:45PM
2,804 posts

Blocking Pinterest.

Using Jamroom

Roy Simmons:
Thank you Michael! The code is in there; will be testing if it has had the desired result. Do I get some sort of coder badge or need to learn a secret handshake? :)

04/21/17 08:29:33AM
2,804 posts

Firefox Warning when Logging In

Using Jamroom

Keith Mauck:
@michael, I enabled it, but my ad zones disappeared, so I need to figure out how to get the https for those. Until then, I've disabled the Free SSL, now my site isn't loading. Does it take a few minutes to perform the changes?

I actually think you need to tell your browser to not look for https: when visiting your site.

In FF, go to your Options > Privacy and click the "Clear your recent history" link, in the window that opens, select "Everything" from the "Time range to clear" drop down, then make sure the only checkbox that is checked is the "Site Preferences" checkbox and click clear now.

If your using another browser, I'm sure there is something equivalent that you'll need to clear.

Hope this helps!