Forum Activity for @douglas

07/20/17 08:22:18AM
2,804 posts

Is it possible to clone a site builder page and all its content?


Hmm, that is one step forward.

When I select and export a particular page, a green highlighted message reports that the export was successful, but where has it gone? Exported to where?

I was not asked to select a destination before or after pressing the Export button. So off it goes, into the ether!

I believe they get put in the import section for the Site Builder module.

Hope this helps!
07/20/17 06:59:02AM
2,804 posts

Is it possible to clone a site builder page and all its content?


My primary interest here is in being able to copy, duplicate, or otherwise 'clone' the entire SB page so a new version can be made while leaving the old version up, or so that it can be used as a starting point for a new and different page.

Douglas suggested using the Sb export tool (also in the Tools area of SB module) to export a single page, but when I go to:


I see a list of .json files identified by long code numbers and have no idea of what I am looking at. And if I export these, they will be outside my site and then require importing, etc etc....

For most admin users, a one-click clone/duplicate button would be convenient, alongside the delete button in the Tools browser, if it is technically possible.

If you scroll down on this page:

You should see a list of pages available for exporting.

Hope this helps!
07/12/17 07:05:23AM
2,804 posts

How to redirect on login or signup?

Using Jamroom

where do I find the page that shows the superscription plans ?

Hello Izhmel,

Can we get you to start a new post for new questions, this will help others when searching.

07/10/17 06:54:00AM
2,804 posts

Site Stats Code Error

Using Jamroom

Nothing wrong with the code, you haven't put a title for the widget, that is what that message is saying.

If you do not want to show a title, add a space in the title field and it should work.

Hope this helps!
07/06/17 11:18:47AM
2,804 posts

Audio Pro Landing Page "Welcome to your"

Design and Skin Customization

Chances are you've only changed the default parameter of the jrCore_lang function.

You can change that text in one of two ways.

1. Open your skins/jrAudioPro/lang/en-US.php and change the text there. Be sure to run the ACP > System Tools > Integrity Check tool and Reset Cache.

2. Go to your skins language tab... /core/skin_admin/language/skin=jrAudioPro and change the text there.

Hope this helps!
07/06/17 04:45:04AM
2,804 posts

Error cloning skin

Using Jamroom

I'm getting this error when cloning skins: Query Error: Unknown column 'skin_cloned_from' in 'field list'

Skins are successfully cloned and seem to be intact. I've gotten the error on multiple jamrooms.

This is a know issue with the developer module for JR6.0 core and has been fixed for JR6.1.

Hope this helps!
07/03/17 03:03:50PM
2,804 posts

Follow me skin, forum strange text hard to read?

Design and Skin Customization

Zachary Moonshine"]
trying this now its still not having any effect ?

Try removing this part of that code in the break tag...


and see if that fixes it.

updated by @douglas: 07/03/17 03:04:46PM
06/29/17 11:46:18AM
2,804 posts

Smarty Language Modifiers

Jamroom Developers

@paul - Thanks, now there is no Smarty error. However Smarty modifier seems to have no effect, still outputs "AUDIO" in the widget title. How to change output = "Audio" ( Camel Case ) ?
Skin = Ninja : Using Site builder About widget
See Image:
Please Advise...

I believe you can use HTML and CSS in the title field too, so try something like this:

<span style="text-transform:capitalize;">{jrCore_lang skin="jrNinja" id="8" default="About"}</span>

Hope this helps!
06/26/17 10:25:01AM
2,804 posts

Guestbook entries not showing

Using Jamroom

Nothing attached... is the profile set to private?

Hope this helps!
06/20/17 07:22:28AM
2,804 posts

jrBanned test banned items

Using Jamroom

Seems to be working fine for me.

Might try reloading the ban module.

Hope this helps!
test_ip.jpg test_ip.jpg - 90KB