Forum Activity for @douglas

08/19/17 11:24:44AM
2,797 posts

Proxima API Access error


Never mind, I've figured it out.


Glad you got it figured out.

Would you mind sharing your solution just in case this post shows up in a search result from other users?

It would be helpful and appreciated.

08/19/17 11:22:27AM
2,797 posts

Still don't fully understand Proxima



All Jamroom Team skins are mobile ready out of the box, so you really don't need a mobile app for your site.

You can check out our skin demos on PC and Mobile here:

Proxima is a bridge between your already created mobile app (we do NOT have any mobile apps for Jamroom at this time) and your app "back-end" which would normally be for storing your apps user data etc... and also to have a website so you can advertise and support your app.

Hope this helps!
08/18/17 06:43:16AM
2,797 posts

Moving the up button

Using Jamroom

Glad you got it sorted. ;)
08/17/17 09:03:31AM
2,797 posts

Moving the up button

Using Jamroom

On the footer template this is all I have:
Line 50

What exactly are you wanting to change?

In your skins Style > Untagged tab, for the footer.css, it has a height of 350px, if you are wanting to move the scroll button down, then change that setting.


Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 08/17/17 09:03:59AM
08/16/17 11:09:08AM
2,797 posts

Audio Player

Ning To Jamroom

Glad you like it. :)
08/16/17 11:08:29AM
2,797 posts

Moving the up button

Using Jamroom

Hello Perrie,

Your looking for the CSS style for the button and It should still be in your skins/YOURSKIN/css/footer.css file.

Hope this helps!
08/14/17 08:23:31AM
2,797 posts

Is it possible to rearrange the module tabs?

Ning To Jamroom

Yes, you can use the order parameter in your jrProfile_menu function which should be in your skins profile_header.tpl.

{jrProfile_menu template=$menu_template profile_quota_id=$profile_quota_id profile_url=$profile_url order="jrAction,jrBlog,jrCombinedAudio,jrAudio,jrCombinedVideo,jrVideo,jrGallery,jrGroup,jrEvent,jrYouTube,jrVimeo,jrFlickr"}

Hope this helps!
08/14/17 08:06:36AM
2,797 posts

Use of blockquote tag in tinyMCE under Follow Me skin

Design and Skin Customization

Make sure you've allowed the HTML tag in the Allowed HTML Tags field for the quotas you want to give permission to.

ACP > Core >System Core > Quota Config


Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 08/14/17 08:06:50AM