Image gallery only works with https websites
Ning To Jamroom
If you are referring to the image editor, you have to enter your Adobe Client ID and Secret in the Profiles > Image Galleries > Global Config > Online Image Editing tab.
You can create your Adobe account here:
Here is the help section that explains how to get the Client ID and Client Seceret:
Enter your Client ID key that was created for your Web App in the Adobe "My Apps" section.
If you do not have an Adobe account, you can signup and get a free key here:
After logging in, click on My Apps, then +New Application.
Enter the Application Name (your site name) and select Web for the Platform.
Enter a description and then click Add Application.
Your Client ID and Client Secret will be created and shown to you - enter the Client ID here and the Client Secret below.
Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 09/19/17 10:52:17AM