Forum Activity for @douglas

12/11/17 04:07:33AM
2,797 posts

Mobile View Of Comments Running Off Screen?

Using Jamroom

Zachary Moonshine:
On mobile view if comments have youtube videos and links in them the comments run of the screen instead of squeezing in using follow me skin.

I'm not seeing an issue on my dev site.

Have you made any modifications to the YouTube templates?


EDIT: Can you post a link so we can see it?
updated by @douglas: 12/11/17 04:13:15AM
12/10/17 08:45:28AM
2,797 posts

Jamroom 6.1 has been released!


Hi Guys,

I am getting "error: jrCore_checktype: unable to load checktype plugins" on upgrading PHP from 5.5.9 to 7.2. Jamroom version is 6.1.4

Hello, have you installed the jrSystemTools module? It is required for version 6.1 and you can find it in your ACP > Core > Marketplace.

Hope this helps!
12/10/17 04:47:36AM
2,797 posts

Jamroom Update failed

Installation and Configuration

After updating Jamroom from 6.0.7 to 6.1.4 jrImage module stopped working and displaying raw characters instead of image. I am using S3 module. Please find the attached screenshot.

Have you installed the System Tools module that is required for version 6.1?

Hope this helps!
12/09/17 06:01:28AM
2,797 posts

Hosted Uploading Videos Issues on Audio Pro

Design and Skin Customization


Have you used the video verify tool?

ACP > Profiles > Video > Tools > Verify Video Files

Hope this helps!
12/08/17 09:39:19AM
2,797 posts

Updating Ninja won't 'stick'

Using Jamroom

I've got this fixed for you. Not sure what happened but something was messed up, so I deleted the Ninja skin and reinstalled it.

Let us know if you see anymore issues.

12/08/17 09:33:52AM
2,797 posts

How do i turn on image gallery's?

Using Jamroom


I've got this fixed for you. I added an image to show it working here: you can remove it.

Hope this helps!
12/08/17 06:51:17AM
2,797 posts

Updating Ninja won't 'stick'

Using Jamroom

You may be seeing cached pages, try resetting the system cache and clearing your browser cache.

Hope this helps!
12/06/17 02:24:06PM
2,797 posts

Daily Profile Limits module not working?

Using Jamroom

I don't believe you should have to do anything to your templates.

The new payment cart icon gets added via the Payment module for the Ninja skin.

Hope this helps!
11/09/17 07:04:25AM
2,797 posts

Working with stream pay variables .

Design and Skin Customization

I noticed that stream pay logs each individual stream , is there a variable to call the total streams generated by a profile ?

There are one of two ways to find out if there is a variable available, use the debug function, in the template you want to use the variable in, to find out if said variable is available in said template.

Docs on debug

Or search your database using the database admin tool found in your ACP > Developer > Developer Tools > Tools tab.

Hope this helps!
10/31/17 07:28:17AM
2,797 posts

Poll vote text options not showing

Using Jamroom

I'm not seeing an issue with adding multiple poll options at once.

Are you getting any errors?

Have you tried it with using entities? Maybe the < and > characters where causing the issue?

Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 10/31/17 07:28:47AM