Forum Activity for @douglas

01/08/18 06:19:53AM
2,797 posts

How to set limits on line length when formatted text is entered into profile form?

Using Jamroom

The jrCore_format_string is a function that takes text from any form field, editor or textarea type, and formats it according to what you have set in your ACP > Core > System Core > Quota Config > Active Text Formatters.

If you want to limit the number of characters shown from an editor or textarea field, then you may want to use the Smarty truncate variable modifier.

Hope this helps!
01/08/18 05:33:08AM
2,797 posts

What are the requeriments to sell the games?

Off Topic


You can use Jamroom to create any type of site of site you want and sell whatever you want from that site... However, there isn't a setup out of the box that will do what your asking. You would have to customize the Jamroom skin templates to accomplish what your after.

As far as the actual developing of games with Jamroom, that isn't going to be possible. Jamroom is a script to run your sites activities, ie. social, posting, selling etc...

If you are developing your own mobile games and need a site to keep track of your apps users data, then you might consider using Proxima which is a front end for mobile apps.

Hope this helps!
01/08/18 05:23:17AM
2,797 posts

How to set limits on line length when formatted text is entered into profile form?

Using Jamroom

Are you using the jrCore_format_string:$item.profile_quota_id with the variable for that field?

blog text field example:

Hope this helps!
12/29/17 11:29:04AM
2,797 posts

Restore changes in skin template

Design and Skin Customization


I think your going to have to go into the database and deactivate the custom meta.tpl template.

You can find it in the jr_jrcore_template table under template_active, modify the row for the meta.tpl from the skin your using and change it from 1 to 0.

Hope this helps!
12/27/17 07:35:52AM
2,797 posts

jrElastic2 footer social images don't show

Using Jamroom

Thanks Steve, I've got this fixed for the next release.
12/22/17 11:20:42AM
2,797 posts

Christmas Decorations

Using Jamroom

It doesn't really matter what CSS file you put it in, totally up to you. I added it to my site.css file for my skin.

If you use my instructions, you won't need Michael's code.

Hope this helps!
12/22/17 05:39:02AM
2,797 posts

Christmas Decorations

Using Jamroom

It is a little more work than just setting up a div. You have to tell the script to use the div using JavaScript.

First you'll need a div to hold the snow:

/* SNOW DIV */
#snow-div {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
    _zoom: 1; /* IE 6 display fix */

In the template you want the snow in, create the div:

<div id="snow-div">
Content should go inside this div...

Then in your skins/YOURSKIN/js/snowstorm.js file, find this:

  this.targetElement = null;      // element which snow will be appended to (null = document.body) - can be an element ID eg. 'myDiv', or a DOM node reference

and change it to this:

  this.targetElement = snow-div;      // element which snow will be appended to (null = document.body) - can be an element ID eg. 'myDiv', or a DOM node reference

Hope this helps!
12/17/17 06:56:29AM
2,797 posts

Find New Music & Likes Box on Profile Index Page ?

Using Jamroom

That search uses the jrRecommend module, first make sure you have the installed and activated, I'm guessing it already is because the code has a check to see if it is and if not, should not show it on the profile page.

There should also be an "Influences" field in the modify profile section, the jrRecommend module uses that field to search for similar music.

Hope this helps!
12/14/17 08:36:09AM
2,797 posts

Couple of Icons Not Linked Correctly On Video Page For VideoPro

Using Jamroom


Looks like you have to be logged in to share. At least I'm not seeing an issue when logged in on my dev site or the demo site.

Hope this helps!
12/11/17 10:41:21AM
2,797 posts

Mobile View Of Comments Running Off Screen?

Using Jamroom

Zachary Moonshine: and no I have not changed any templates for youtube that I know of

Yeah, I'm not seeing an issue on my android phone using the FF browser.

What mobile device and browser are you seeing the issue in?

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