Index Page Blog Issue
Design and Skin Customization
Make sure your profile is not set to private.
Hope this helps!
{if $item._profile_quota_id == '2' || $item._profile__quota_id == '4'}
What you want to show to quota ID's 2 and 4 goes here. No need for an else statement unless you want to show something else to profiles that are not in quota ID's 2 and 4.
search1="module_field = value" search2="module_field = value" etc..
{if strlen($_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url) > 1}
{if $_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url|strpos:"https:" !== false}
<a href="{$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url}">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url} on Facebook"}</a>
<a href="{$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url}">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url} on Facebook"}</a>