Forum Activity for @douglas

01/20/18 07:06:52AM
2,797 posts

Elastic 2 Footer Issue

Design and Skin Customization

I've got the social links checking for https: in the skin settings now for the next release, this is how I did it.

{if strlen($_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url) > 1}
    {if $_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url|strpos:"https:" !== false}
        <a href="{$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url}">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url} on Facebook"}</a>
        <a href="{$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url}">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_conf.jrElastic2_facebook_url} on Facebook"}</a>

Hope this helps!
01/20/18 06:40:58AM
2,797 posts

Elastic 2 Footer Issue

Design and Skin Customization

We'll get the {$_conf.jrCore_system_url} fixed.

For the social sites, don't enter the https://... in the skins settings, since it is already hard coded in the footer.tpl I think all it needs is the social site account name.

Hope this helps!
01/19/18 02:10:44PM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom


Welcome to Jamroom!

The first account you create on your site will be the master admin account.

These docs might be helpful.
01/15/18 03:09:17AM
2,797 posts

Share buttons on audio with SHARETHIS

Design and Skin Customization


Thank you Brian - Even I followed the above and did it, but, there was no options of where to share - just shared the post to the followers. It was doing that before anyway. How can we do it so that it allows us to share on a variety of other networks? That's what I'm looking for. Thank you.

Have you entered your ShareThis Property Settings - ID# ( - the ID number right below your account name) in your sites ACP > Item Features > ShareThis > Global Config > Publisher Key field?

Also make sure to checkout the modules "Service Config" section, that allows you to pick which social sites you allow your users to share to.

Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 01/15/18 03:09:41AM
01/13/18 11:54:33PM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom

You can't iirc it goes against YouTube's terms of use to use any player but their own.
01/13/18 06:41:24AM
2,797 posts

site news

Using Jamroom

The site news on the index page for Nova is truncated, so you may not get a player to show if it ends some where around the truncate limit. You can however modify the templates to show the posts any way you want them, just modify the index_site_news.tpl file.

There are two language strings for "Site News", it isn't a single language string, one for "Site" and one for "News". I believe the ID's are 8 and 9. You can make a single language string for it if you like, just add it to the end of your skins language file.

Hope this helps!
01/12/18 10:40:06AM
2,797 posts

site builder

Using Jamroom

Site builder takes away menu items when enable

What skin is this for?

01/12/18 10:38:14AM
2,797 posts

site news

Using Jamroom

Make sure the category is "site news" , minus the quotes, it is case sensitive.

Also, if you are using a cloned skin, check your index.tpl and make sure all instances of jrNova were replaced with your skins directory name.

Hope this helps!