Events Calendar Projam light
Using Jamroom
Ok - Sorted - Thank you. I found that I had to Delete the old ones for the new to come up. So, I suppose that's one way of doing it. I just need to be aware. Thank you for the fix - Much appreciated.
Ok - Sorted - Thank you. I found that I had to Delete the old ones for the new to come up. So, I suppose that's one way of doing it. I just need to be aware. Thank you for the fix - Much appreciated.
Featured events are not listed by date, they are listed by rating. If you want to change that to list them by date, which is kind of redundant since the Newest Events is the same type of list, then modify the index_events.tpl and find this:
{assign var="order_by" value="event_rating_1_average_count NUMERICAL_DESC"}
and change it to this:
{assign var="order_by" value="_item_id desc"}
Hope this helps!