Forum Activity for @douglas

03/08/18 04:49:37AM
2,804 posts

Video Not Converting

Design and Skin Customization

Cloud Media:
I want to thank Jamroom for all the great advise,

I had to go back over every single setting in the server and I think I found the issue. We were running some default settings in php. After increasing the limit videos are now converting and playable.

How can I increase the file upload size? Tried setting the server upload amount at 1200mb but still getting 125mb max size in JR.

Some videos are larger than the max amount.

If you are referring to the max_upload, you should make 3 times the amount of the largest file your going to be uploading.

Hope this helps!
03/06/18 06:17:40AM
2,804 posts

Audio Pro Blog

Using Jamroom

Yeah, I think it was created to show how a SiteBuilder page works.

03/06/18 05:33:13AM
2,804 posts

Index Page Issue

Installation and Configuration

I don't know what I did but when I go to the index page it now displays Site Builder 'No Widgets have been added to this page yet' I just want to get it back to how it was before but I can't figure it out.
Help would be appreciated.

Open the SiteBuilder menu and delete the page, then your default index will come back. You may have to reset the cache too.

Hope this helps!
03/06/18 04:40:25AM
2,804 posts

Video Not Converting

Design and Skin Customization

Check your queue viewer:

It is possible that the binary files that convert the videos isn't setup correctly for your server. In which case, you may need to contact your hosting company for assistance.

This may be helpful as well:

The binary files for converting audio and video are located in your modules/jrSystemTools/tools directory and permissions set to 755.

Hope this helps!
03/06/18 04:24:34AM
2,804 posts

Audio Pro Blog

Using Jamroom

@garymoncrieff is correct, it is a SiteBuilder page.

Hope this helps!
03/05/18 12:35:39AM
2,804 posts

Index Page - Add a menu item

Design and Skin Customization

Same question for Beatslinger. Which templates to add menu item to the index page?


BeatSlinger uses menu_main.tpl and menu_side.tpl, so if you are not using the SiteBuilder module, you'll want to modify those files.

Hope this helps!
03/05/18 12:30:59AM
2,804 posts

Events Calendar Projam light

Using Jamroom

Ok - Sorted - Thank you. I found that I had to Delete the old ones for the new to come up. So, I suppose that's one way of doing it. I just need to be aware. Thank you for the fix - Much appreciated.

Featured events are not listed by date, they are listed by rating. If you want to change that to list them by date, which is kind of redundant since the Newest Events is the same type of list, then modify the index_events.tpl and find this:

    {assign var="order_by" value="event_rating_1_average_count NUMERICAL_DESC"}

and change it to this:

    {assign var="order_by" value="_item_id desc"}

Hope this helps!
03/03/18 05:48:12AM
2,804 posts

Events Calendar Projam light

Using Jamroom

There are some very old events still on the tabs but are very old from way back with a different skin. I am creating events to get things working, so, if by Rating the event gets it within that tab, then I have rated it. As for Newest, logically the Events ought to appear in asc order - but they don't either. As well as the above when clicking on the drop down menu of Events by > Ratings, I do not have such a page. One would think it would be part of the skin. Thank You

I've got both of these fixed for you.

I changed the order_by in your index_events.tpl to desc for the "Newest Events"

and the events by ratings URL was wrong in your SiteBuilder Menu Editor.

Hope this helps!
03/01/18 05:26:55AM
2,804 posts

Is this a bug?

Using Jamroom

I'm not seeing an issue on my dev site nor on your site with the index blog section.

Can you let us know where you are seeing this issue?
