Change Notifications To Private Notes?
Using Jamroom
Zachary Moonshine"]
Yes I remember when we did that my old jr site had that as well and that is awesome but I keep thinking if we can put it there why not put it at the top so its seen no matter what page a user is on ya know.
Yes I remember when we did that my old jr site had that as well and that is awesome but I keep thinking if we can put it there why not put it at the top so its seen no matter what page a user is on ya know.
No reason you can't do this for your skin.
MediaPro has this already, should look something like this:
{if isset($_user.user_jrPrivateNote_unread_count) && $_user.user_jrPrivateNote_unread_count > 0}
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/note/notes">In Box</a> ({$_user.user_jrPrivateNote_unread_count})
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/note/notes" target="_top">In Box (0)</a>
Hope this helps!