Forum Activity for @douglas

04/23/18 01:36:37AM
2,797 posts

Change Notifications To Private Notes?

Using Jamroom

Zachary Moonshine:
No i better not alter the css to make the menu disappear this is perfect now the way it is but i do have one question @douglas about the number of unread notes it only refreshes when you log out and back in, is it possible to make it refresh everytime the page is refreshed?

You could reset your cache or wait for the cache timer to run out.
ACP > Core > System Core > General > Cache Seconds

Other than that, there isn't anything that will do what you want that I'm aware of.

Hope this helps!
04/19/18 08:17:52AM
2,797 posts

JR sites going down...

Using Jamroom


A 504 error is a server error.

"HTTP Error 504 - Gateway Timeout" Cause: One server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser. This usually means that the other server is down or not working properly.

You'll need to contact your hosting provider so they can help you with this issue.

Hope this helps!
04/18/18 06:49:38AM
2,797 posts

Change Notifications To Private Notes?

Using Jamroom

Zachary Moonshine:
Cool. Now I just need to know where exactly to past this code?

If you want it to show on every page, paste it somewhere in your header.tpl.

Hope this helps!
04/18/18 04:13:15AM
2,797 posts

Change Notifications To Private Notes?

Using Jamroom

Zachary Moonshine"]
Yes I remember when we did that my old jr site had that as well and that is awesome but I keep thinking if we can put it there why not put it at the top so its seen no matter what page a user is on ya know.

No reason you can't do this for your skin.

MediaPro has this already, should look something like this:

{if isset($_user.user_jrPrivateNote_unread_count) && $_user.user_jrPrivateNote_unread_count > 0}
    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/note/notes">In Box</a> ({$_user.user_jrPrivateNote_unread_count})
    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/note/notes" target="_top">In Box (0)</a>

Hope this helps!
04/17/18 05:30:59AM
2,797 posts

Flashback Index Page Stats

Installation and Configuration


That setting is for the profile stats... it wasn't ever really setup for the home page stats so isn't really a bug or something that needs to be fixed.

If you want to hide home page stats, you'll have to modify the side.tpl and add the if statement Nate posted around the code for the stats.

Change this:

{* STATS *}
    <div class="title">{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="36" default="stats"}</div>
    <div class="body_3 mb10">
        <div style="width:90%;display:table;margin:0 auto;">

            {capture name="template" assign="stats_tpl"}
                {foreach $_stats as $title => $_stat}
                <div style="display:table-row">
                    <div class="capital bold" style="display:table-cell">{$title}</div>
                    <div class="hilite" style="width:5%;display:table-cell;text-align:right;">{$_stat.count}</div>

            {jrCore_stats template=$stats_tpl}


to this:

{* STATS *}
{if isset($_conf.jrFlashback_show_stats) && $_conf.jrFlashback_show_stats == 'on'}
    <div class="title">{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="36" default="stats"}</div>
    <div class="body_3 mb10">
        <div style="width:90%;display:table;margin:0 auto;">

            {capture name="template" assign="stats_tpl"}
                {foreach $_stats as $title => $_stat}
                <div style="display:table-row">
                    <div class="capital bold" style="display:table-cell">{$title}</div>
                    <div class="hilite" style="width:5%;display:table-cell;text-align:right;">{$_stat.count}</div>

            {jrCore_stats template=$stats_tpl}


Hope this helps!
04/02/18 10:41:34AM
2,797 posts

jquery to exclude code from running on index page

Using Jamroom

You could simply set a variable in your index.tpl and then check for it where your javascript is located.

Top of index.tpl

Check for the variable:
{if !isset($newvariable) || $newvariable != 'something'}
Java script goes here...

Hope this helps!
04/02/18 10:34:40AM
2,797 posts

Please Tell Me How To MEDIA PRO 5

Using Jamroom

Sorry for the rudimentary question.
Top Singles,Newest Artists,Top 10 Artists,&Toggle is not desplayed.
What kind of setting do i need?
One more.
The uploader dose not set the price. Is it possible to select whether to download for each song or not?
I think that it is possible to select all or non-permission in the global setting.
I'm Sorry not to speak english fluently. Thank you .

Site Under Test


You'll want to set the skin settings and add your Quota ID's to the "Main" skin settings "Admin Quota", "Artist Quota" and "Member Quota" text fields.

ACP > Skin Settings

You can find your Quota ID's here:
ACP > Users > Quota Browser

There is also a skin setup popup window located in your ACP drop down menu:
ACP > Skin Settings > Skin Notes.

If you want to set a price on audio uploads, you'll want to install the Payment modules:

Payment Module:

Product Module:

Bundles Module:

And Subscription Module:

You can also block song downloads in your Audio modules config settings:
ACP > Profiles > Audio > Global Config > General Settings

Hope this helps!
03/28/18 05:38:27AM
2,797 posts

New User Registration

Installation and Configuration

This is part of the email from the registration:
You can view the new User Profile here:

Can you send us your admin login to check it out.

We may just need to update the templates, but won't be sure until we can take a look.

03/28/18 05:24:01AM
2,797 posts

New User Registration

Installation and Configuration

This is weird, had a 2 new registrations recently without a hitch then 1 some hours ago and I read this on their timeline " @landshly1989 • 5 hours ago • share this • comments: 0
Posted a new Timeline Comment: {jrCore_module_url} required parameter "module" is missing (modules/jrComment/templates/item_action.tpl)
Any ideas? Thank you.

Can you give us the URL to where your seeing the error?

03/23/18 09:54:20AM
2,797 posts

Invalid Location (/product/categories)

Design and Skin Customization

Try recreating the items and see if the item number starts working.

It may have been due to the issue you were having before.

Hope this helps!