Forum Activity for @douglas

09/17/18 06:11:04AM
2,797 posts

visible profile and register required blog/articles

Using Jamroom

There are no settings for this, you'll want to modify the templates and add an {if} statement to check to see if the user is logged in. Maybe something like this...

{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
show profile menu
You must be logged in to see the profile menu.

this would probably need to be either in your profile_header.tpl or the profile_menu.tpl

Hope this helps!
09/08/18 07:34:31AM
2,797 posts

Audio Cover Image Size

Using Jamroom

You could try setting a Minimum Image Width in your ACP > Image Support > Global Config


I would set it higher than 256px, say maybe 300px.

You could also use the form designer on the profile create/modify sections and add in a size limit for a sub label, that would at least help let your users know there is an image size requirement.

Ultimately, it is up to your users. If they upload an image with an odd size, taller than wider or vise versa, then it is just going to get cutoff when cropped.

Hope this helps!
08/29/18 02:11:49PM
2,797 posts

Projam skin = Contact Us Issue

Design and Skin Customization

That link looks for a contact_us custom form and if it does not find one it reverts to a mailto link.

In you custom form module, create a contact_us form and reset your caches, that should change the link to the contact_us page.

Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 08/30/18 05:54:36AM
08/29/18 05:01:38AM
2,797 posts

How to apply the jrcore_lang strings change from Ninja update to my custom skin?

Using Jamroom


I have cloned Ninja skin and I added the changes in templates, do I need to do something for the new language strings to appear in the ACP > Skins > NinjaClone > Language ?

Still seeing only 60 strings in there when the Ninja skin got 98.

After adding new language strings to your skins language file, you'll want to run the Integrity Check tool in order for those strings to be added to the skins language tab.

Hope this helps!
08/28/18 07:52:01AM
2,797 posts

Issue with Blogs/News etc

Using Jamroom

For some reason my blogs (Welcome) News are not appearing on my home page. They did but I must have done something to prevent this, They only appear for Admin. I enabled to show for all users including logged out, but do not show. Also when creating a menu item say Blog how do you add to this (Articles and News) so that they appear in the drop down menu?

Check out the skins notes for your ProJam skin

That has instructions on setting up the news/articles and blogs.

Hope this helps!
08/23/18 05:59:59AM
2,797 posts

Losing AudioPro login and search Icons in header

Design and Skin Customization

Sorry, just realized the update was not in the Marketplace, I just added it to the Marketplace so you can update to the latest version now.

Hope this helps!
08/23/18 05:47:24AM
2,797 posts

Losing AudioPro login and search Icons in header

Design and Skin Customization

Have you updated your skin to the latest version?

The login and signup links are in the side menu.

Hope this helps!
08/21/18 10:54:22AM
2,797 posts

How to apply the jrcore_lang strings change from Ninja update to my custom skin?

Using Jamroom

There were a lot of templates in the Ninja skin that had hard coded text in them, they were in the following:


Use your compare tool to see the changes.

Hope this helps!
08/18/18 06:37:16AM
2,797 posts

wrong date error

Using Jamroom

Have you modified the form using the Form Designer?
08/15/18 04:00:12AM
2,797 posts

Menu Graphical Icons

Design and Skin Customization

Sorry no, there aren't any skins with menu icons out of the box.

You'll want to modify the header_menu_desktop.tpl and change the jrCore_lang text strings with your images, might be best to use the jrCore_image function like the logo image uses in the header.tpl file.

{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="191" height="44" class="jlogo" alt=$_conf.jrCore_system_name custom="logo"}

Hope this helps!