Forum Activity for @douglas

04/11/19 11:05:11AM
2,804 posts

Error: unable to write to template cache directory

Using Jamroom

I did not change anything and it stop working
I am now getting a white page

All the media folder are empty /public_html/

Check your error logs, a blank page usually means a template is corrupt.

You could also try deleting the files in your data/cache/jrCore and data/cache/YOURSKIN directories to manually reset the cache.

If you are missing data, you may need to contact your hosting provider for assistance. Maybe they can restore your site from a backup?

Hope this helps!
04/08/19 11:02:21AM
2,804 posts

How to have an admin embed a flyer (file) in someone else's event

Ning To Jamroom

Can you send us your admin login so we can check this out on your site?

04/05/19 05:16:53AM
2,804 posts

GEDCOM Will Not Import


Paul E Hendee:
I went to that directory and allowed Full Permissions on the cache folder and all folders within. I did not change the index file or files within these folders. I went back and tried an import with no luck. I did a cache cleanup. Still NG. Then I did another System CK and reviewed. Attached is the System CK Report. Please note the notes in the "Systems Tools" section at the bottom. None of those modules are working correctly.

Make sure you have the System Tools module installed.

Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 04/05/19 05:17:18AM
04/04/19 08:59:06AM
2,804 posts

weird image issue stalls sitemap crawler

Using Jamroom

ha vent been able to run a sitemap crawl in about a month
i just noticed 1 of the images it stalled on has an error no timeouts no 5cxx errors no log entries)
see the error message on the page
im a lil scared to clear image cache and have more act up then

That is the wrong URL for that image, it is missing the image size, which is what the error is telling you. It should be something like this:

So somewhere in your templates you are creating links to images that are incorrect.

Hope this helps!
03/26/19 11:42:53AM
2,804 posts

A user signed up and made a purchase and the user never got the download.

Using Jamroom

Douglas did you find any issues ?

No, I have not found any issues, were the items purchased from the product module or another module?

03/22/19 11:47:17AM
2,804 posts

Can Vimeos play in a post ?

Using Jamroom

You are running JR 6.2.0, I'd guess that since this works on my dev site, which is 6.3.0.b1 then it has been fixed for the next version, as you can see here:

Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 03/22/19 11:47:29AM
03/22/19 11:22:06AM
2,804 posts

Can Vimeos play in a post ?

Using Jamroom

If you past the Vimeo URL into a forum post, and you have the Media URL Scanner module activated, the vimeo player should show in the post, as seen in the bottom post here:

Hope this helps!
03/22/19 07:39:58AM
2,804 posts

Embeded Youtube Video descriptions

Using Jamroom

If you can post a link to the page the player is embedded on so I can see what your referring to that would be helpful.

I'm guessing it is an embed template you'll be looking to modify, possibly in the YouTube modules template directory.

Hope this helps!
03/22/19 06:41:41AM
2,804 posts

Embeded Youtube Video descriptions

Using Jamroom

Can you post a link to the page your referring to?

03/21/19 03:12:53AM
2,804 posts

A user signed up and made a purchase and the user never got the download.

Using Jamroom

The only thing I see in your purchase tab is stream payments

Have you checked your PayPal account for the purchase in question?

What was the purchase that was made by the user?