Forum Activity for @douglas

08/08/19 10:24:10AM
2,797 posts

Marketplace Doesn't Recognize 30 Day Trial

Installation and Configuration

Yes, scroll down and it says:

Try Jamroom Premium Free for 30 days
All Marketplace products are free for 30 days. These packages will help you get started quickly!

That is for the Jamroom Premium package.

Hope this helps!
08/08/19 10:19:36AM
2,797 posts

Marketplace Doesn't Recognize 30 Day Trial

Installation and Configuration


Welcome to Jamroom!

Where are you seeing a 30 day trial?
updated by @douglas: 08/08/19 10:22:14AM
08/02/19 06:16:15AM
2,797 posts

Download button nor showing up

Using Jamroom

If the album/track is for sale, the download button will not show except to the master admin.

Hope this helps!
08/02/19 06:14:48AM
2,797 posts

pay pal Sandbox not working

Using Jamroom

pay pal Sandbox not working no matter how many times I enter the current login info

When I use the same login else where it works

You'll want to contact PayPal or get assistance from PayPal, there is nothing we can do about PayPal login issues.

07/27/19 07:19:32AM
2,797 posts

not found message using the Share This button

Using Jamroom

That profile is not active, which may be why you are seeing this issue.

Modify the profile as the site admin and check the profile active checkbox at the bottom and Save Changes.

Hope this helps!
07/17/19 06:39:50AM
2,797 posts

users not getting downdoad after purchising

Using Jamroom

Login and go to your admin modify profile settings...

Check out the attachment.

Hope this helps!
Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 8.37.12 AM.png Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 8.37.12 AM.png - 121KB
07/16/19 03:36:19PM
2,797 posts

users not getting downdoad after purchising

Using Jamroom

The payout email address is in the modify profile section and the field will only show if you have a payment plugin setup and have allowed the quota your profile is in to use it.

Hope this helps!
06/28/19 10:31:20AM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom

errors with googke

You just need to enter this URL:

Hope this helps!
06/28/19 10:27:25AM
2,797 posts

Medea don't [lay files from the beginning

Using Jamroom

This is correct, since the song is for sale, it will not play the entire track.

Hope this helps!
06/27/19 02:57:28PM
2,797 posts

Lady Gaga Beyonce Remixed By The Scientist don't load in sell phones

Using Jamroom

Working for me on my Android phone using Firefox.