Forum Activity for @douglas

04/05/20 05:49:45AM
2,797 posts

Images Needing Approval

Installation and Configuration

You'll want to go to your Marketplace > Tools > Marketplace Channels and enable the beta channel.


Once you have the beta channel enabled, you can use the update tool to update the latest beta versions.

Hope this helps!
04/05/20 05:46:11AM
2,797 posts

User tpl is empty

Using Jamroom

I'm not sure why users.tpl is in there, I see it in the Nova skin here too but it should not be there.

Just remove it if you don't want/need to use it.

Hope this helps!
04/04/20 05:41:17AM
2,797 posts

Images Needing Approval

Installation and Configuration

You are not using the version of the Gallery module that has the fix for this.

There is a beta version that has the fix for this, which you can update to the beta version if you want or you can wait until the live version is released.

Hope this helps!
04/02/20 03:42:45AM
2,797 posts

Images Needing Approval

Installation and Configuration

Can you send us your URL and admin login as well as a link to this forum topic so we can take a look?

04/01/20 07:33:58AM
2,797 posts

Images Needing Approval

Installation and Configuration

Is the "Item Approval" set to "No Approval Needed" for the quota your uploading images to?
03/30/20 02:58:09AM
2,797 posts

Images Needing Approval

Installation and Configuration

This should already be fixed, are you still seeing an issue?
03/30/20 02:37:21AM
2,797 posts

Editor Error in Custom Module

Jamroom Developers

Is there a _feature or something I need to load in the include.php for the editor to work correctly?

Not that I'm aware of.

You might check that the format that is being stripped is allowed in the "Allowed HTML" field in your jrCore quota config section.

Hope this helps!
03/29/20 12:17:37PM
2,797 posts

Adding myCustomModule to Search Results

Jamroom Developers

You might try the "Rebuild Indexes" in the Search modules Tool section.

Hope this helps!
03/28/20 07:37:08AM
2,797 posts

minor "launch fullscreen' issue

Using Jamroom

Yep, I see this too and have opened a ticket for it.

03/06/20 10:27:10AM
2,797 posts

"New Like" Notification

Using Jamroom

It is called Item Liked and is in account settings > notifications

Hope this helps!
updated by @douglas: 03/06/20 10:27:36AM