Forum Activity for @douglas

07/23/24 04:56:42AM
2,793 posts

Updates NOT Updating

Using Jamroom

A 500 error is a server error not a Jamroom error.

Most likely the server is not set up to run Jamroom without issues.

Have you checked the server requirements for Jamroom?

You can also go to your system check in the ACP to clarify everything is set up properly.
ACP > Core > System Core > Tools > System Check (/core/system_check)

Hope this helps!
06/19/24 03:21:40PM
2,793 posts

songs are not streaming to full length

Using Jamroom

Do you have a link we can test?
06/19/24 03:21:09PM
2,793 posts

Solo Artist Skin - How do I remove Latest Activity from Index Page

Design and Skin Customization

You can replace the entire content of your index.tpl file with this:

{assign var="selected" value="home"}
{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}

<div class="container">

    <div class="row">

        <div class="col3">

            <div class="block">
                <div class="title mb10">
                    <h1>{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="11" default="latest"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="13" default="Music"}:</h1>
                <div class="block_content">
                    {jrCore_list module="jrAudio" order_by="_created desc" template="index_list_songs.tpl" limit="1" search1="_profile_id = `$_conf.jrSoloArtist_main_id`" require_image="audio_image"}
                    <div class="block_config normal capital">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}/music">{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="48" default="more"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="13" default="Music"}&nbsp;&raquo;</a>

            <div class="block">
                <div class="title mb10">
                    <h1>{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="11" default="latest"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="50" default="video"}:</h1>
                <div class="block_content">
                    {jrCore_list module="jrVideo" order_by="_created desc" template="index_list_videos.tpl" limit="1" search1="_profile_id = `$_conf.jrSoloArtist_main_id`" require_image="video_image"}
                    <div class="block_config normal capital">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$_conf.jrSoloArtist_main_profile_url|replace:' ':'-'}/video">{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="48" default="more"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="14" default="videos"}&nbsp;&raquo;</a>

            {* sitewide tag cloud*}
            {jrTags_cloud height="300" assign="tag_cloud"}
            {if strlen("{$tag_cloud}") > 0}
                <div class="block">
                    <div class="title mb10">
                        <h1>Tag Cloud</h1>
                    <div class="block_content">
                        <div class="p5 center top">


        <div class="col9 last">

            <div class="block">
                <div class="title mb10">
                    <h1>{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="19" default="tour dates"}:</h1>
                <div class="block_content">
                    {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by="event_date numerical_desc" search1="_profile_id = `$_conf.jrSoloArtist_main_id`" template="index_list_events.tpl" limit="5" require_image="event_image"}
                    <div class="block_config normal capital">
                        <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$_conf.jrSoloArtist_main_profile_url|replace:' ':'-'}/event">{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="48" default="more"}&nbsp;{jrCore_lang skin="jrSoloArtist" id="19" default="tour dates"}&nbsp;&raquo;</a>




{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}

Hope this helps!
06/19/24 07:03:25AM
2,793 posts

songs are not streaming to full length

Using Jamroom

Is there a price set for the song?
06/14/24 06:00:31AM
2,793 posts

Solo Artist Skin - How do I remove Latest Activity from Index Page

Design and Skin Customization

That section supports three different types of content and is controlled via the skin settings > main > index content.

It will either show the artists blog, comments, or timeline.

If you want to remove it all together, you'll want to modify the index.tpl file.

Hope this helps!-
06/03/24 05:01:18AM
2,793 posts


Off Topic

Congrats Nate! I'm glad things are working out for you.
05/22/24 06:25:17AM
2,793 posts

Beatslinger2 in dark mode :)

Design and Skin Customization

Yeah, I saw that error too and I have opened a tracker for it , however, the skin should have reloaded. Be sure to run the Integrity Check tool and clear the cache.
05/21/24 06:01:45AM
2,793 posts

Beatslinger2 in dark mode :)

Design and Skin Customization

This is fixed, you'll want to go to your ACP > Core > Marketplace > Tools > Reload Modules Or Skins ( /marketplace/system_update/all=1 ) and reload the jrBeatSlinger2 skin.
05/20/24 03:51:29AM
2,793 posts

Beatslinger2 in dark mode :)

Design and Skin Customization

BeatSlinger2 is now in the marketplace, you can upgrad/download from your ACP. You'll want to make sure and run the Integrity Check Tool and Reset Caches. The Dark mode check box can be found in the skin settings under the General tab.

Let me know if you see any issues.
05/18/24 11:19:43AM
2,793 posts

Beatslinger2 in dark mode :)

Design and Skin Customization

I just about have this finished and will get in the Marketplace very soon.