Forum Activity for @douglas

04/27/21 12:52:01PM
2,804 posts

How do I remove inactive Jamroom Sites from my licenses?

Jamroom Developers

What domain are you wanting to release the license for?
04/27/21 12:49:51PM
2,804 posts


Installation and Configuration

Make sure you have unchecked the "Login To Checkout" checkbox in your ACP > Ecommerce > Payment Support > Global Config > General Settings.


Hope this helps!
03/26/21 07:19:11AM
2,804 posts

After moving server, gets jamroom 403 and 500 error

Installation and Configuration


You have some PHP functions missing

You'll want to get those enabled as that may be part of your issues.

Hope this helps!
03/25/21 02:26:25PM
2,804 posts

After moving server, gets jamroom 403 and 500 error

Installation and Configuration


A 500 error message is a server error, you'll want to contact your hosting provider about that.

A 403 error message is a forbidden issue, the .htaccess file may not be correct or file/folder permissions may not be correct.

Check that you have the correct .htaccess file in the Jamroom install root directory and make sure your file/folder permissions are set correctly.

Permission on files should be 644 and folders should be 755

Hope this helps!
03/20/21 05:47:48AM
2,804 posts

Can I enlarge video image in "Latest Videos" widget?

Ning To Jamroom

Was that page created with SiteBuilder?

If so it is going to be a widget template.

Hope this helps!
03/01/21 05:13:24AM
2,804 posts

I had troubled with .htaccess in my root jamroomsystem

Using Jamroom

Our servers are set up to run Jamroom only.

I've seen other users run other scripts on their servers, but we can NOT support any other scripts, we are only a team of 5 so supporting other scripts would be impossible.

If you want to run a different script on your domain, then you will be responsible for the setup and support for those scripts.

Hope this helps!
01/22/21 04:15:37AM
2,804 posts

How to play songs on android device

Using Jamroom

I'm not seeing an issue on my android phone using Chrome. It could be a Chrome setting or addon that is causing your issue.

Hope this helps!
01/05/21 11:18:11AM
2,804 posts

Deleting Pending Users

Using Jamroom

It was most likely because you were still on the second page, which is why it showed you that message.

You can look at the URL and should see that there is a p=2 at the end, after deleting the second page, it does not go back to the 1st page.

Hope this helps!
12/06/20 03:43:32PM
2,804 posts

Unable to initialize modules - verify installation

Installation and Configuration


You might check that your server meets the Jamroom requirements here:

Also, make sure you have the .htaccess file uploaded to your Jaroom root directory.

Also note, Jamroom will not run on a Windows server. If that is still even an option these days.

Hope this helps!
12/02/20 06:40:28AM
2,804 posts


Using Jamroom

I also wanted to let you know that even though that message shows, I was still able to add the Soundcloud item while logged in as kimstyle, so the message really doesn't stop the module from working for that user, the message just shouldn't show for that user and we have not been able to replicate it so it makes it difficult to debug.