Forum Activity for @douglas

01/05/21 11:18:11AM
2,797 posts

Deleting Pending Users

Using Jamroom

It was most likely because you were still on the second page, which is why it showed you that message.

You can look at the URL and should see that there is a p=2 at the end, after deleting the second page, it does not go back to the 1st page.

Hope this helps!
12/06/20 03:43:32PM
2,797 posts

Unable to initialize modules - verify installation

Installation and Configuration


You might check that your server meets the Jamroom requirements here:

Also, make sure you have the .htaccess file uploaded to your Jaroom root directory.

Also note, Jamroom will not run on a Windows server. If that is still even an option these days.

Hope this helps!
12/02/20 06:40:28AM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom

I also wanted to let you know that even though that message shows, I was still able to add the Soundcloud item while logged in as kimstyle, so the message really doesn't stop the module from working for that user, the message just shouldn't show for that user and we have not been able to replicate it so it makes it difficult to debug.
12/02/20 06:19:47AM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom

Sorry, I reopened the support ticket.

We have not come up with anything yet, everyone is busy so we've not had much time to look into it.

We'll let you know when/if we find something.

11/26/20 07:08:02AM
2,797 posts

Remove link

Design and Skin Customization


The index_core_blog_list.tpl is a skin template, I think Michael may have confused it with the item_list.tpl, item_index.tpl etc. templates found in the modules template folder.

You would need to remove the link code from the title variable.

So in your skins/Elastic2/index_core_blog_list.tpl file, find this:

<h1><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.blog_title_url}">{$item.blog_title}</a></h1>

and change it to this:


There is also a read more link near the bottom of that template file, but it checks to see if you are using a pagebreak in the blog and if not it will not show the read more link, so as long as you are not using pagebreaks in your blogs you should be good. Otherwise you may want to find and remove this code as well:

{* check to see if the blog has a pagebreak in it *}
                              {if strpos($item.blog_text,'<!-- pagebreak -->')}
                                  <span class="info"><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.blog_title_url}">{jrCore_lang module="jrBlog" id="25" default="Read more"} &raquo;</a></span>

Hope this helps!
11/23/20 01:42:30PM
2,797 posts

Uploaded audio files are not processing correctly.

Installation and Configuration

Sorry, I've been having internet connection issues for the last week and have not had time to look into this.

However, from your image in this thread, it does look like your queue has stopped processing due to them timing out.
11/21/20 02:23:31AM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom

Can you send us the following to support[at]jamromm[dot]net

1. Your sites URL
2. Your admin login
3. The link to this forum topic so we know what we are dealing with
4. The profile name your seeing the issue with
5. The Soundcloud item you are trying to add.

11/21/20 02:09:50AM
2,797 posts


Using Jamroom

Sorry, I'm not understanding the issue here.

Note that I'm not seeing any issues on one of my personal sites, you might check that the profile that is posting the SoundCloud item is allowed to use the module.

Hope this helps!
11/20/20 11:54:43AM
2,797 posts

Uploaded audio files are not processing correctly.

Installation and Configuration

@paul any luck with resolving this issue?

I'm not seeing a ticket in our support center with the info Paul requested

Send the admin login to support[at] jamroom[dot] net and I'll take a look.

If you already sent an email with this info, can you send it again?

11/19/20 05:57:29AM
2,797 posts

Timeline Status

Jamroom Developers

Thank you - I've Enabled it. but when I add media to it I can see the code.

make sure you've allowed embedding in your Core modules Quota Config tab.

Hope this helps!