Forum Activity for @nmaster88

02/13/16 04:27:28AM
94 posts

Signup form

Design and Skin Customization

That seems cool, but using my custom skin i have problems using the site builder am i missing something?
02/09/16 05:04:12AM
94 posts

Signup form

Design and Skin Customization


I've found this for login:

Is there something similar for Signup? Or do I have to do like it's done on the flashback skin?
Something like this
        <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{jrCore_module_url module="jrUser"}/signup">Create account</a>
and then using css to format the page? Can this be done on a template on the skin? Thanks.
updated by @nmaster88: 07/13/16 10:31:46PM
02/07/16 02:06:33PM
94 posts

Changing header depending on template

Design and Skin Customization


I now this may be a stupid question,
but is there a command to show or not content in the header (or footer) depending on the template?

ex:a div that i want to show only on the index.tpl
updated by @nmaster88: 05/12/16 09:27:12AM
12/31/15 07:35:40AM
94 posts

jrCore list on the same page

Design and Skin Customization

If I understand you correctly, you can use capture and literal tags to create a jrCore_list template in the same template as the jrCore_list function.

{capture name="youtube_template" assign="youtube_row_template"}
       {if issset($_items)}
           {jrCore_module_url module="jrYouTube" assign="yurl"}
           {foreach $_items as $item}
               Row variables go here...
{jrCore_list module="jrYouTube" search1="youtube_title like `$_post._1`%" search2="_item_id in `$_conf.wmWowMusic_front_slider_video_1`" template=$youtube_row_template page=$_post.p}

Hello Douglas, thanks for the reply. I'm trying to do something like this:

        {capture name="youtube_template" assign="youtube_row_template"}
               {if issset($_items)}

                   {foreach $_items as $item}
        {jrCore_list module="jrYouTube" template=$youtube_row_template  search1="_item_id in `$_conf.wmWowMusic_front_slider_video_1`%" page=$_post.p}

But it's not working, maybe something is wrong...
12/30/15 04:11:29AM
94 posts

jrCore list on the same page

Design and Skin Customization

I have something like this, where only one result is returned.:
{jrCore_list module="jrYouTube" search1="youtube_title like `$_post._1`%" search2="_item_id in `$_conf.wmWowMusic_front_slider_video_1`%" page=$_post.p}

My question is, if there is a way to get the item returned on the same tempalte this function is called?
updated by @nmaster88: 05/25/16 11:36:55PM
12/24/15 06:36:57AM
94 posts

Global config tabs not updating

Design and Skin Customization

It seems that for now we have solved the main problem, that was that the custom skin settings were not saving.

We changed in the include.php the name of skin from wmWowmusic to wmWowMusic
and the changes we did on jrCore_register with the new name we're not update on the tables...
we had to go to the jr_Core_setting and update the module field manually.
12/24/15 06:01:04AM
94 posts

Url of a custom image

Design and Skin Customization

If you've uploaded it via the "Select Images To Upload" button in the:

Right clicking on the image there and choosing "view image" takes you to this url:

That's the same one you want to use if you want to allow over-rides.

Another example:

The above url will show the image
UNLESS...... there has been an image uploaded in the IMAGES panel of elastic, then it will show:

So use that function url to get the correct URL every time.

Hi michael, thanks for the reply!

Yes, i've managed to make it work with the first option!
updated by @nmaster88: 12/24/15 06:11:51AM
12/22/15 02:12:21PM
94 posts

Global config tabs not updating

Design and Skin Customization

This is automatic - I've not seen this NOT work, so something else must be going on. How are you determining that it is not being saved?

Yes, i'm not saying that doesn't work, it's cleary something that's wrong but i don't know what it is, yet :|

In the Flashback skin, when i have all the options selected (set as active skin, set as active admin skin) it works, i can change the global config settings.

The problem is in this custom skin i'm doing, the settings on the global config tabs are not updated. I click "save changes" and voila the variable goes to what it was before i've gone there and inserted something different. This happens in the global config tab.

I can still go directly to the tables in the database and change the values but that doesn't solve the problem.

apagar.jpg apagar.jpg - 51KB

updated by @nmaster88: 12/22/15 02:22:40PM
12/22/15 01:07:52PM
94 posts

Url of a custom image

Design and Skin Customization

I need to get the url of the images uploaded in the skin settings->images tab (that all skins have), but it seems i can only get the image in the site using:
{jrCore_image skin="wmWowmusic" image="fire.jpg"}

I want to know if there is a way to get the complete path for these images, the same way we have for images that are on the "img" folder:
ex: {$jamroom_url}/skins/jrElastic/img/img.jpg

The reason i want these url's is because i need them for use with jquery.
i'm doing something like what's on the annexed img.

apagar.jpg apagar.jpg - 53KB

updated by @nmaster88: 03/24/16 05:29:39PM