Forum Activity for @nmaster88

03/17/16 05:10:53AM
94 posts

List with distinct audio genres

Using Jamroom

I want get a list where i will only get as a return only one result of distinct genre (audio_genre) of the content in the jrAudio module and i'm not seeing how i can do it in jamroom.

Something like SELECT DISTINCT audio_genre FROM *;

but with the {jrCore_list module="jrAudio" search=?}
updated by @nmaster88: 06/20/16 08:58:41PM
03/15/16 06:51:50AM
94 posts

item index icons disappearing

Design and Skin Customization

I think i solved it,
i had to copy the classes of sprite_icon_32, sprite_icon_32_img and sprite_icon_32_quote to my bootstrap file.
03/15/16 06:45:11AM
94 posts

item index icons disappearing

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks for the sugestion! I did that, but i still have the same problem.
03/15/16 05:47:10AM
94 posts

item index icons disappearing

Design and Skin Customization

I'm still trying to identify the problem, but someone may have had something similar so here it goes:

I'm developing a custom skin, and when i go to the profile page ( the icons for create, update, and many more, they appear on the page both the default, and font-awesome icons. But when i go to the module page ( the default icons just disappear... for some reason it doesn't load the sprite_icon_32 classes
has this happening to anyone?

Images on attach
icons_problem_initial_page.jpg icons_problem_initial_page.jpg - 124KB

updated by @nmaster88: 06/23/16 02:38:35AM
03/13/16 09:01:51AM
94 posts

Get an image for a playlist item

Using Jamroom

Thanks that helped a lot.

Because its an array inside an array i solved like this:

                        {$playlist = json_decode($item.playlist_list,true)}
                        {foreach $playlist as $id => $position}
                            {foreach $position as $id1 => $position1}
                                {if $position1==0}
                                    {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$id1 size="medium" crop="width" class="dker" alt="artist photo"}
03/12/16 01:30:37PM
94 posts

Get an image for a playlist item

Using Jamroom

It may be a little confuse for me to explain, but i want to do the following:

In my custom skin in the page of jrPlaylist_item_list
there i have a list with the playlists that have been created for the user.
But i want, to display for each playlist the image of the first song of that playlist.

I've been thinking about using the img element and finding the path to the image, where i think i can get the id from playlist_list.
But has i have been thinking i think i just have to call
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" ...}

What is the easiest way for me to do that?
para_apagar.jpg para_apagar.jpg - 118KB

updated by @nmaster88: 06/18/16 01:24:40PM
03/10/16 05:28:01AM
94 posts

Changing modules icon item index buttons

Using Jamroom

sry about the big image.

Yes, with css it's easy to solve.
And to use font-awesome with any element i just had to go to the following site:
03/03/16 05:17:27AM
94 posts

Now Playing section

Using Jamroom

I want to have in a site were doing a section where we have the musics that are playing by the users.
Is there a module that does that? A function or something we can use?
Or do we have to develop that?

updated by @nmaster88: 06/14/16 12:31:40AM
03/03/16 05:13:24AM
94 posts

Changing modules icon item index buttons

Using Jamroom

I'm having trouble to find where i can change the icon of index buttons in the modules in profile section. In the Attach images i show the icons i'm talking.
I want to change it to something like, for example:
<i class="icon-equalizer"></i>
In what file can i do that? Thanks
index_buttons.jpg index_buttons.jpg - 571KB

updated by @nmaster88: 06/09/16 09:29:03AM
02/26/16 06:24:32AM
94 posts

Playlist button for all musics of an Artist

Using Jamroom

What i want to do is:
I have a section were i have artists and each artist has a "add to playlist button".
When the user clicks this button, i want it to open the playlist dialog box, but instead of adding only one music i want it to add all musics of that artist. (or a limited number of musics of that artist)
How can i do this?

I'm trying using the variations of the function jrPlaylist button without success
{jrCore_module_function function="jrPlaylist_button" playlist_for="jrAudio" image="plus_circle.png" class="circleplus_icon_playlist" title="Add To Playlist"}

updated by @nmaster88: 05/31/16 11:19:47PM