List of not read messages from Private Notes
Using Jamroom
I'm trying to find how i can get a list of only the notes that have not been read for the user. How can i do that?
updated by @nmaster88: 06/20/16 08:58:48PM
<ul id="modulechoice" class="nav nav-tabs nav-white">
{if isset($_items)}
{foreach from=$_items key="module" item="entry"}
{if $current_url=="`$jamroom_url`/`$_user.profile_url`/`$entry.module_url`"}
{if $current_url|@strstr:$entry.label ==true}
<li class="active" id="{$entry.label}" >
<li class="" id="{$entry.label}" >
{elseif $current_url=="`$jamroom_url`/`$_user.profile_url`"}
{if $entry@first}
<li class="active" id="{$entry.label}" >
<li class="" id="{$entry.label}" >
<a href="#{$entry.label}" data-toggle="tab" style="text-transform: capitalize;">{$entry.label}</a>
{elseif $current_url==""}
{jrCore_module_url module="jrProfile" assign="murl"}
{if $current_url==$jamroom_url+"/"+$murl+"/settings/profile_id="+$_user.profile_id}
{if $current_url==""}