Forum Activity for @nmaster88

03/24/16 02:25:46AM
94 posts

profiles created by the admin

Using Jamroom

Not understanding the question sorry.

When we create a profile that is linked to a user account, that profile gets in the timeline all the info from followed profiles from that user. That's how it's intended to work, right?
03/23/16 12:01:09PM
94 posts

profiles created by the admin

Using Jamroom

Hello we have are having a doubt related to profiles created by a user.
When we do that, like for example what's on the image, we get in the timeline of that profile all the info that is being followed by the profile owner.
I search on the code in jrAction > item_index.tpl and i see this:
                            {if jrUser_is_linked_to_profile($_profile_id)}
                            {*{if jrProfile_is_profile_owner($_profile_id)}*}
                                {jrCore_list module="jrAction" profile_id=$_profile_id include_followed=true order_by="_item_id desc" pagebreak="12" page=$page_num pager=true no_cache=true}
                                {jrCore_list module="jrAction" profile_id=$_profile_id order_by="_item_id desc" pagebreak="12" page=$page_num pager=true}

So it seems that this is working as intended.
I shall only use the line after the else right?
I'm getting confused by these profiles attached to a unique user.
Thanks for the help.
profile_created_follow.png profile_created_follow.png - 175KB

updated by @nmaster88: 07/03/16 01:05:30AM
03/23/16 05:12:22AM
94 posts

Increment the audio file stream count

Using Jamroom

Ok thanks! I'll leave it as it is, for now xD...
03/22/16 07:57:04AM
94 posts

Increment the audio file stream count

Using Jamroom

I see, like bryan said on another post:
That is the correct URL, and it will count the plays, but if you are just refreshing it expecting the play count to go up, it won't - the core keeps track of IP addresses and will only count 1 play for a user even if they keep refreshing the audio (this is done to prevent "gaming" of the play charts).

For testing, you can empty (truncate) the jr_jrcore_count_ip table between plays and it will log a new play.

Hope this helps!
It means i will have to empty that table of database, right?
03/22/16 07:37:41AM
94 posts

List of not read messages from Private Notes

Using Jamroom

So, from what you say the only way is to go to the module url to get the content?
I wanted to do something cool like what's on the image, there is no turn around? Something custom you mean doing a function for that inside the module? Thanks Paul.
private_notes.jpg private_notes.jpg - 20KB
03/22/16 03:46:57AM
94 posts

Increment the audio file stream count

Using Jamroom

It seems it's only counting for each music only one stream for each user? I want it to count all the time. How can i do that? Thanks
03/22/16 03:41:49AM
94 posts

List of not read messages from Private Notes

Using Jamroom

Hi Paul,

yes i know, if i go to the private notes page, and in my case its:
What i want to get is a list (as a result of a jrCore_list call) with only the non readed messages.
private_notes.jpg private_notes.jpg - 33KB

updated by @nmaster88: 03/22/16 03:42:53AM
03/22/16 03:32:03AM
94 posts

Increment the audio file stream count

Using Jamroom

I don't know if this is a good practise but i'm using jPlayer on the site i'm developing to play the musics, and i add them to the player with some code like this:
<a href="" id="addmusictolistprofile" data-id-music="{$item._item_id}" data-title="{$item.audio_title}" data-artist="{$item.audio_file_artist}" data-mp3="{$jamroom_url}/audio/stream/audio_file/{$item._item_id}/key=9RoungsoKcon/file.mp3" data-poster="{$jamroom_url}/audio/image/audio_image/{$item._item_id}/large" class="thumb-sm pull-left m-r-sm" style="flex: 1">
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$item._item_id size="medium" crop="auto" alt=$item.audio_title class="img-audio-list"}

The music plays on the player but the problem is that it doesn't increment the stream count, how can i do that manually? thanks.
updated by @nmaster88: 09/18/16 04:32:02PM