Forum Activity for @charles-brady

10/24/15 09:14:12PM
107 posts

Documentation suggestions


Maybe you have to first create a USER ACCOUNT and then attach the USER PROFILE to that account? Is that what I'm missing here??
10/24/15 09:07:37PM
107 posts

Documentation suggestions


Just call me dazed and confused... I can't even create a profile without a fight over who the owner is.... See attached...

The use of the term USER as in USER ACCOUNTS and USER PROFILES is part of my problem...
I was attempting to create a "USER PROFILE" (an artist) in the "ARTIST QUOTA" but I got hung up on the "PROFILE OWNER" question... I thought OK I'll just make a record label name but NOOO It has to be a whole number? WHAT DOES A NUMBER HAVE TO DO WITH WHO OWNS A USER PROFILE? What number? Where do I find such a number? Do I just make one up? In my day job I'm an accountant. I should know about numbers. I know about profile IDS (after they are created) and I know about quota IDS and even Song IDs but a NUMBER for a profile owner?
I have attached art to further display my confusion.... @michael HELP!!!
UserProfilesUserAccounts.jpg UserProfilesUserAccounts.jpg - 90KB
10/24/15 08:21:24AM
107 posts

I need someone fast would can customize a theme to make a dance site

Design and Skin Customization

Give the big dummy a gold star! Hey ma look what I can do! :)
10/23/15 09:59:52PM
107 posts

I need someone fast would can customize a theme to make a dance site

Design and Skin Customization


Nice definition of "good and fast" :) the smiley is colon)

No way..
10/23/15 02:54:43PM
107 posts

I need someone fast would can customize a theme to make a dance site

Design and Skin Customization

What does "good and fast" mean and how much it pay? Is it "real good" as in thousands or "good enough" as in hundreds or "not so good" as in tens of dollars and we hope it works? I think if you expound on the goodness someone who is good and fast might respond... Me? I'm good and fast but not at jamroom templates but I am a working on it!

(Sorry but my sarcastic muscle just wouldn't quit flexing and I had to respond.) : ) How do they do that smiley button on here? Did that work?
10/23/15 02:44:45PM
107 posts

Documentation suggestions


Most used tool and new best friend while working with template site changes:

ACP/Tools/Reset Cache

In the early stages I had a problem fixed, broken and fixed again and broken again all because I did not Reset the Cache after making the changes....

Rule 1
Make change
Reset Cache
View changes
10/23/15 06:24:29AM
107 posts

Documentation suggestions



Sorry about the typo!
I meant:
Standard User
Profile Admin
Master Admin
User Accounts
User Profiles

This line helped a ton!! "the USER is the person, the PROFILE is where they put their stuff. one USER can have a number of profiles. the QUOTA is attached to the profile to define what can be put there."

10/22/15 04:25:35PM
107 posts

Documentation suggestions


One of the keys in having a good functional system is thinking through the initial setup structure. The 3 keys are the quota setup, profile setup and user setup. I understand the quota portion I think fairly well but I get a bit confused on the differences/uses of the profile VS users.

User Accounts
User Profiles

It gets a bit confusing. I know that in a music site I am going to have the Artists/Profile and my radio member/user and that these must be assigned to quotas that dictate the experiences for each. One group adds music and profile information and bios and another just needs to log in and preview that music and download it if they choose. Or at least this is how I want my system to work.

I would also like to make it so that any visitor could view things like charts and blogs but not be able to stream or download songs. JR4 worked perfectly for what I needed.

So even though I've watched the concept videos and read and reread information I'm still a bit confused over the terms above. Something in the structure of JR changed in JR5. Maybe a clear explanation of how those changes impact how I now need to set up my community again would be really helpful.

Something like:
IN JR4 you did this and got this.
IN JR5 you do this and get this but xyz is not available in JR5.

From a developer standpoint I would think either creating modules/skins to help those accomplish their objectives would be a great help. I see some of it but enough for those who like myself built niche music communities and would like to keep running them.

Fast food franchises test with changing menus all the time and while I understand the need to expand a system to make it available to a larger audience sometimes we leave behind our core customers who stick with us like glue if we can continue to deliver what they need. I'll never forget pulling up to my local Arby's restaurant one night to order a roast beef sandwich. The girl said "we are out of roast beef but we still have chicken. I laughed and said "Ya'll need to change your name to KFC then!

JAM room. It's a great name and a wonderful system.... You have provided the single best system for artists and musicians and fans to come together. Thanks!
10/21/15 11:16:04PM
107 posts

Documentation suggestions


You really have 3 challenges (3 course opportunities as I see it.)

1 - Brand new unspoiled user to JR
2 - Those Converting from NING (That has to keep you guys up all night.)
3 - Those Converting long time users from JR3 & 4 kicking and screaming to JR5. ( My group )

I would start out with a list of challenges for each of these groups. A long one.

For an old user I have been really spoiled to JR3 and 4 but mostly 3. I have a specific task I want to accomplish with my site. Maybe some task specific information for each of the groups based on the most common recurring issues.

Item 1 - A list of links for specific tasks.

This was my first big train wreck:
How do I set my jamroom to private where you must be logged in to view any content
How do set my jamroom so only the main page shows to visitors
How do I set my jamroom so that all content shows for everyone

I now have saved the URL link in a notepad because one of the biggest issues I see with JR5 is just finding stuff you need to change settings. So a simple guide to navigate through the maze of stuff you have to go through would be a wonderful help! (Think infographic)

Skin modification information is very vague. It still takes me a while to remember where the page is to modify the featured profiles on the flashback skin. It's there but finding it is a trip through the corn maze.

I love the template editor system in JR5! The ability to make a change and then reset back when you screw it up is great. What tripped me up was that after you save the change you have to go back and click the box and save it a second time!

The biggest thing for me, something I'd gladly pay for would be a simple course on customizing each available JR5 skin. I'd love to see a section of a page highlighted and then show me where that code snippet is and where can I move that too and what would be my result. Right now I'm trying to work with the flashback skin. I would love to be able to move a couple of the sections from the community page to the main page.

I will be soon asking for what items do I change to make my music weekly chart and monthly chart display at least 100 items in the list instead of the current default number. (In my current site it is set to display 300.) The reason is that I wanted to make it simple for my users to see exactly what was in the system without 20 clicks.

Another big issue I face is how do I get more information about the songs showing up in the charting list? I figured out how to add them to the form when I upload a song file but not how to display the additional information.

I'm struggling with the sign up form. I have all the extra fields added to the profile page but I'd like to figure out how to collect that information on the front end when they sign up. And I have no clue where to start looking. I thought when I changed the user/signup form it would automatically add the additional fields on the front end signup form.

So for an old user like me you could give us a roadmap that tells us how to make our systems work as close as possible to our old systems. I know that is not possible and I'm running into a lot of limited or no longer available features that I really depended on. Something as simple as a way to reset all of the counts back to zero at year end. I still don't know how I'm going to handle that one yet.

I do understand the need for creating these modules but somewhere along the way there needs to be a way to navigate through them to find what we need to make the system work for us.

Right now my single biggest issue is that I cannot deliver a 128K and 320K download. Because my radio station users are split almost 50/50 on the file size they need I am struggling with what to do. Because I am having horrific issues with my current host and JR4 I am working almost around the clock to try to get this figured out. So far my only solution is a 2 site solution but I have to tell you for me that sucks. It means double my workload. Every new artist would have to be set up in both sites and all of the artist/writer/publishing/PRO/blogpost/picture/bio will now be X2. Not to mention we publish weekly and monthly charts so now that will double as well.

With that one lost bit of functionality my hours working on my site will double. You see I add everything myself. Every song every update. It is the only way to keep control of my site and be able to produce an accurate chart based only on DJ results.

So I have to add 175 artists/pics/bio's etc X2 and 275 songs with all their info X2..... and educate the artists and my station members on a new system.... ASAP cause my old site is almost toast...

Not sure if this helps or not but maybe you can find a couple bits and pieces to pull something from.