Documentation suggestions
@michael I just had a 3AM HUGE aah ha moment that you may want to incorporate in your future training. In all these 100+ hours there was a missing link that I never really "got"
We talked about Quota's and Profiles and Users and I struggled with how the pieces all came together. It was so much easier in JR4 because it was only in about 2 places. In the old system you set up a artist account and added this and that to it through the use of the quota.
My moment came when I realized that what the quota was missing in JR5 was "THE MODULES"
In order to have a functioning quota you have to assign and understand all these various modules to give the quota its functionality. Without the modules being tied to the quota it's worthless. That's what I never fully grasped until I started taking away some things from a quota. It was the taking away that I then realized what I missing in trying to build this thing. I was missing the importance of the modules. In JR3/4 the Quota was King. In JR5 the Quota is the janitor looking for a job to do...
So it really is a complex system that you can't just expect to find a ready made out of box solution for. You have to really plan this thing out. You have to study what you want the end game to be like for your users and then almost reverse engineer the thing. And MODULES are going to play the role of KING!
You don't want to think about building a JR5 without knowing that there are 4 main components to this thing.
(Quotas and modules) go together almost as much as (users and profiles) do...
So my 3 legged table now has a forth leg..