Forum Activity for @spiritwolfie

07/10/16 01:35:09PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

Then I would say yes - JR already supports all this - the only difference is the URL. You would not post from:
I though you were looking for a place where all members of your site could post without being followers - i.e. a "public wall".
Let me know if that helps.

I think I just confused you and myself and for that I'm sorry

My current site has the ability for the community to talk on the wall with or without being friends, (I'd really like to keep it this way) our community is expected to maybe be a few thousand users? I honestly don't expect it to go anymore then that (and I honestly don't expect to have a whole ton of users on all at once based on experience)

I just know they use the public activity feed consistently on my current site and its one of the most used functions.. (Really sorry for the confusion, I was mis-understanding you until the last post)
updated by @spiritwolfie: 07/10/16 01:41:17PM
07/10/16 01:30:18PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

spiritwolfie:@brian by default facebook actually has a public activity wall and when you post your stuff goes global
Correct - but facebook does not have:
where all 1 billion members can interact. That's what I'm getting at. You interact with your friends only. Save way in JR - you interact with people who have chosen to follow you (ala Twitter). This is the best model for avoiding spam as well - if you don't want to hear from someone you just unfollow them.

from what I can see on facebook it's pretty much just like my current site on how it functions, you have the option to set it to 'public' or 'friends only' the only difference I can see is the url instead of it saying /home/ it's simply saying then for profiles

please forgive me as I'm not a content creator etc by any means so perhaps I'm not understanding this I've attached a photo of what i'm referring to in facebook.
facebook.jpg facebook.jpg - 359KB
07/10/16 01:21:58PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brian by default facebook actually has a public activity wall and when you post your stuff goes global, unless you make it a point to go into your privacy settings and configure it to friends only etc... I had to set my account strictly friends only and set my feed the same way because of the default is set to allow everyone to see it. ( just double checked and and yes it has a public activity wall that does not take place on the profile, the profile has its own feed as well) vs

I'd be happy to have it as close to facebook as possible as thats kinda the goal of our website is to be a facebook for the furry fandom (without all the nonesense such as app spam etc)
updated by @spiritwolfie: 07/10/16 01:25:43PM
07/10/16 01:14:05PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brain the way SE has it set up is /home/ is the public area where people can see all the content/photos uploaded music, users talking etc.. then if you say click on your avatar photo in the upper left it takes you to a page under /profile/(username here) not sure if we can set it up this way but ya. I know my server tech has agreed to look at this for me, but if he decides to not assist me with it Not sure what i'll do because this is quite a bit over my head..
07/10/16 01:03:14PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brain sorta.. let me take a screen shot

Hopefully this is a bit clearer, basically i'm hoping to have the same look/feel and working features as my current site, the goal/idea is to get away from SE's horribleness
a example.jpg a example.jpg - 337KB
07/10/16 12:59:02PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brain is there a way I can PM you so I can show my current site to you?

That's the thing, it needs to be /home/ where this activity takes place as I think my community would find it frustrating having to socialize from each users profile.
07/10/16 12:33:42PM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brain, I think the best way to to explain would be have you see my current site could we perhaps swamp skype info or something or something?

to try to explain

Basically a place for the community to socialize on /home/ (page) and then if we go to say users profile directly we can comment on their profile directly which is like a way to give them a notice

if you'd like to see a example of my current set up please let me know and i'd be happy to show you, As i've really really considering going VIP, but a few things are deal breakers for me if they can't be done.
07/10/16 11:41:00AM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

Paul Asher has done a amazing job so far on the layout, I think we're road blocked on the whole public activity feed like what facebook/social engine and them have, (which is one of our most used features of my main site) and then I'm sure arrowchat or something supports jamroom so I can probably move that over?
07/10/16 11:05:56AM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brian oh! I didn't see that, thank you for pointing it out!!
07/10/16 10:53:41AM
16 posts

Some questions (from a Social Engine user)

Design and Skin Customization

@brian ya I've gone over that quite a few times and I guess what I'm trying to achieve is a bit more complex then simply using the site builder the biggie is going to be activity wall feed with animated thumbnail avatars. and cover photos for profiles and CSS support for profile backgrounds, (things my community are big into)