Forum Activity for @dim

01/05/17 03:38:49AM
167 posts


Using Jamroom

Is it possible to show the position number in the music charts in the detailed song page?
I tried to use the {$item.list_rank} but it does not work on the song page.
updated by @dim: 04/08/17 10:44:20AM
12/29/16 11:25:48PM
167 posts

guided tour

Using Jamroom

I see a guided tour on the It`s great!
Can I get it?
I know you have written instructions about this here. Just your finished guided tour file would be easier to adapt for my site :)
updated by @dim: 04/08/17 10:44:19AM
12/29/16 11:06:13PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

I'm not sure that the following error occurs at you too, but I would like you to check it out.
In the audio-pro and follow-me skins the phrase
Joined ������ 19, 2015
is displayed like this

������ - is the name of the month translated from English.

The phrase " Birthday ���� 30" is displayed with the same incorrect coding.
12/29/16 10:51:48PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

[url=]As some time ago[/url], now I see the same error in the activity log again.
 jrCore_load_url: unable to load cURL options via curl_setopt_array
The error may exist for several days. I just accidentally deleted my activity log.
12/29/16 03:59:26PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

If the album name is written in the Cyrillic alphabet, we will not be able to edit that album - an access error and no entries in the error log.
12/29/16 03:53:55PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

I should add all these phrases are not translated from the English, when they are displayed in the error message.
jr443.jpg jr443.jpg - 142KB
12/29/16 01:30:12PM
167 posts

Stream Pay

Using Jamroom

It would be great if you give me the answer to my last questions.
Do I understand correctly that a "balance_profile" is common for the Stream Pay and the FoxyCart?
And please let me know about the following parameters in the profile. What do they mean?
Thank you!
12/29/16 01:25:00PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

If the username written in Cyrillic, it does not display correctly in the Timeline.
For example, .....Dislike for @B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D01-%D1%84%D%B2

Error notification on the create item page has a partially translated text. For example, in the phrase "a string with a maximum length of 70 characters" the word "a string" is displayed only in English.

Also there are no strings for translate such and similar notifications - You have entered an invalid value for "album" - value must be the numbers 0-9, letters a-z, _ (underscore), - (dash) and spaces. They are always displayed in English only. I was able to find these strings for translation only in the core-php file.

When I updated jrCore from version 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 I got an error:
An error was encountered trying to communicate with the Active Marketplace
make sure the Marketplace URL is set correctly in Tools -> Marketplace Systems.
Yesterday I again received the same error when when updating jrCore from version 6.0.3 to 6.0.4.
updated by @dim: 04/04/17 08:16:56AM
12/27/16 07:28:53AM
167 posts

Stream Pay

Using Jamroom

Thank you!
My last questions.
Do I understand correctly that balance_profile is common for the Stream Pay and the FoxyCart?
And please let me know about the following parameters in the profile. What do they mean?
12/25/16 12:44:06PM
167 posts

Happy Holiday!

Off Topic

Merry Christmas!!!
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