Forum Activity for @dim

03/05/15 11:09:13AM
167 posts

error: invalid order direction


@ultrajam, hi!
Unfortunately, it did`t help.
I get the same error :(
03/04/15 12:07:17PM
167 posts

error: invalid order direction


I have created several categories for the profile and audio.
I see a list of entries on the main category pages
but I get an error
 error: invalid order direction: received for _created - must be one of: ASC, DESC, NUMERICAL_ASC, NUMERICAL_DESC, RANDOM 
on pages as
updated by @dim: 04/13/17 08:22:29AM
02/20/15 05:14:40PM
167 posts

My playlist as a list of songs

Using Jamroom

@john-bizley, css..

At the moment I am not able to display a list of songs of my playlist on the main page.
02/20/15 05:09:36PM
167 posts

syntax error in your template

Using Jamroom

maybe you are at the process limit put in place by your hosting provider?
Yes, you're right. Is this may be the reason?
Now our site is in development, so we are using the low power server.
02/20/15 04:12:55AM
167 posts

syntax error in your template

Using Jamroom

I am using a JR template.

By the way sometimes I can save the changes. If I do 5-10 attempts to save the template.
02/19/15 04:28:02PM
167 posts

My playlist as a list of songs

Using Jamroom


Is BBcodes only work in the comments?
02/19/15 04:23:44PM
167 posts

My playlist as a list of songs

Using Jamroom

I have a playlist and I want to display it as a list of songs without a player on the home page. Is it possible?

I tried to use this:
{jrCore_list module="jrPlaylist" order_by="_created desc" search1="playlist_title = best" profile_id="1" template="index_radio.tpl"}
but it displays the player.

I see a list of the songs can be displayed on the page of the playlist in a profile page.

In item_detail.tpl it displays this

{foreach $item.playlist_items as $playlist_item}

{include file=$item.playlist_templates[$playlist_item.playlist_module] playlist_id=$item._item_id}


but this code does not work in index_radio.tpl etc.
updated by @dim: 03/23/15 01:00:36AM
02/19/15 03:00:02PM
167 posts

syntax error in your template

Using Jamroom

Hi Brian,

These problems started a few days ago. Before, I could save templates without any problems.

I do not quite understand why Jamroom is not able to "load" URLs now.
02/19/15 02:40:40PM
167 posts

syntax error in your template

Using Jamroom

I get the error
///There is a syntax error in your template - please fix and try again///
in any skins in any templates.
I get this error when I try to save any template, even if I did not make changes in it.

How can I disable this check in JR?

updated by @dim: 03/23/15 01:01:06AM
02/16/15 02:32:00PM
167 posts

How to get UjCategories


Thank you so much! ;)