Forum Activity for @dim

11/10/15 02:13:07AM
167 posts

Performance check

Using Jamroom

I buy the VPS.

If your using a [url=] Jamroom Hosting server[/url] provided by us, we can help out as it shouldn't be that slow.

But if its your own server or provided by a separate hosting company then that's a question for them.
I understand it. Just maybe you have any idea about the reasons why my database is so slow. I'll look for a solution to configure my server.
11/10/15 01:08:06AM
167 posts

Performance check

Using Jamroom

Got some docs up on it here:
Thank you!

But I still do not understand why my database running so slow?
test.jpg test.jpg - 41KB
11/09/15 04:15:20PM
167 posts

Performance check

Using Jamroom

I just create my Jamroom-site, so I bought an inexpensive server. I see a lot of unused server resources. But I got the answer: Jamroom will run very slowly on your server - check out hosting alternatives.

- Server Info -
Server CPU: 3.29 GHz
Server RAM: 2GB
- Performance Results -
Processor: 0.33
Database: 537.97
Filesystem: 1.06
Total Score: 15
Memory used: 23% 463.5MB of 2GB
Disk usage: 6% 7.94GB of 144.11GB
CPU count: 8@ 3.29 GHz 0.01
5 minute load: 0.00, 0.01, 0.02
Why the results of the tests have given such an answer? What are the criteria determined by the result? What kind of server resources is not enough?
updated by @dim: 02/14/16 01:49:45PM
11/09/15 03:42:36PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

Sorry, you're right.
I'm using version 1.4.3. And I made a change in the template a few days ago.
11/09/15 01:20:31PM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom

So in the Profile Forum is the TITLE of a post is numbers only then it does not work?
Yes it is.

Looks like "following.tpl" has already been fixed - I don't see that here.
I'm using version 1.7.2
11/09/15 11:50:49AM
167 posts

A few bugs

Using Jamroom


Phrases "Account Settings" and "Logout" in the menu is always in English, regardless of the selected language on the site.

If I write a title for Forum only the numbers, then that topic will not be open (read). For example, the title is "456" => "The page you requested was not found!"

If I write the title of the album in Russian, then I will not be able to edit that album.

In jrFollower/following.tpl
Line 16
It was:
 <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$item._profile_id size="large" crop="auto" class="img_scale" width=false height=false alt="{$txt|jrCore_entity_string}" title="{$txt|jrCore_entity_string}"}</a><br><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">@{$item.profile_url}</a><br>

Must be:
 <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" item_id=$item._profile_id size="large" crop="auto" class="img_scale" width=false height=false alt="{$txt|jrCore_entity_string}" title="{$txt|jrCore_entity_string}"}</a><br><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">@{$item.profile_name}</a><br>

updated by @dim: 02/25/16 01:40:34AM
11/04/15 07:01:08AM
167 posts

HTML rating format type

Using Jamroom

It works. Thank you!
11/04/15 03:11:25AM
167 posts

HTML rating format type

Using Jamroom


How do I use my HTML rating format type?

Default Format in general settings (/rating/admin/global) is "HTML", but I still see the star rating format type on the site.
updated by @dim: 02/04/16 09:15:13PM
09/17/15 05:01:33AM
167 posts

tpl for account settings?

Design and Skin Customization

I want to place text information for users on the pages:

How do I do this?
I can not find a suitable template.

Thanks for any ideas!
updated by @dim: 10/17/15 12:03:06PM
09/01/15 01:11:04PM
167 posts

error: invalid order direction


Ok, I will look into this when I have the chance, but it will probably take a couple of weeks to get around to as I have other work which must take priority at the moment.

Hi ultrajam,

Have you been able to see it since then?