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Using Jamroom
To try out the hosting you don't need to do anything to your current domains, they can remain as they are and you will receive trial domains to test on. you only need to change the domain dns if you are sure you want to move them over to the hosting.
So for now the steps to try it out would be:
1.) go here
2.) click on the HOSTING button then VIEW AVAILABLE SERVER PLANS, you will end up here:
Select the free trial server and the location you would like, then click CREATE NEW SERVER
There are more detailed docs here:
Docs: Jamroom Hosting
Once you have your server up and running, then you will want to add a domain, so add
and again for
you will be provided with a secondary domain that you can use for testing which will be at:
Use these to test things out.
Since you already have a jamroom site in another location use the "Import an existing jamroom site to a domian" steps found here:
Docs: "Import an existing jamroom site to a domian"
To get your existing site moved over to Jamroom Hosting.
This will not effect your current sites at all, they will still be being served from your current host. It will just duplicate them on our hosting so you can test whether you want to keep the hosting or not.
Hello Michael:
First of all i better start off by saying, That the look and feel of the jameroom web site now is awesome and fantastic
Well done guys great work i really like it.
I must say Michael, I am very impressed and very happy with the information you have provided above, This has tremendously made it very clear to us as to how easy the setup process will be and most importantly how easy the jamroom hosting process will make it for us that we can continue to use our 2 domains And without the need now to cancel anything from JBServers end regarding our hosting packages with JBServers for our 2 domains And
One more thing that we are taking on board here as well Michael, We are picking up here from reading through your forum past here, That you seem confident enough that if we do get a jamroom hosting plan that we would not experience the same issues that we have been having and for this reason if we decide to go ahead with this, We have decided that maybe we will just bypass the free trial and sign up for the 8gb jamroom hoting plan.
In the meantime Michael, We will be reading through all the documentation information you have provided over the coming days so we can familiarise ourselves fully with the documentation information that you have given us so that we can try to make it as easy as possible for us to setup if we decide to go forward with this.
We have spotted one thing Michael in one of the documentation but not read into it in depth and it is to do with the DNS process regarding 'How To Set The Nameservers At Your Domain Registrar - At' Because we feel we have not been given the necessary information our end to allowers us to proceed with this so therefore we may possibly incur some problems here regarding this but we are not 100% sure about this but we would be looking into it.
All of the rest seems pretty straight forward Michael, So our only concern right now would be to do with the DNS process regarding the above mentioned information.
For now Michael, We here would like to say a special thank you to you because your valued information that you have given us has made a big difference on us to continue forward with this, We very much appreciate this Michael, Thank You Michael.