Steps to make the final move?
Ning To Jamroom
So here's what I think I need to do (in terms that make sense to me), with a few questions thrown in:
1. Set Ning domain to sub-domain. Make sure that is working right.
2. point the registered domain (what we want our JR site to use) to our JR server (details in Paul's message above)
3. Wait 24-48 hours (how will we know how long to wait?)
4. Check to see that our domain has been verified on Mailgun (I've already added our API key)
5. Switch our Jamroom hosting to the domain's 'primary' setting.
6. Do we need to wait after that?
7. Send out a test email to see if it works?
8. Send out emails to all our members with their temporary passwords and wait for them to come rushing in, with no problems at all (LOL).
9. Drink beer and celebrate.
Does that all sound about right?