Forum Activity for @dannya

07/03/14 11:21:17AM
584 posts

Power user quota.

Using Jamroom

Note also, I just created a new power user account. When I try to update the quota i get an error:

Invalid Quota ID - please select from the list of allowed Quotas IDs

However now, there isn't even a way to select. I assume this is because power users can only create one type of profile in my system. But nonetheless, I'm still getting the problem that the profile is not associated with the power user quota; so i can't create any new artist profiles.
07/03/14 11:16:41AM
584 posts

Power user quota.

Using Jamroom

I just updated. Is the marketplace behind? (Not sure if you responded before I made the update)
updated by @dannya: 07/03/14 11:17:21AM
07/03/14 11:04:45AM
584 posts

Profile Tours

Using Jamroom

Would you use this for one-time notifications. For example, if you wanted to notify all users of something one time when they log in; and once they acknowledge it isn't shown again.
07/03/14 11:02:35AM
584 posts

Profile Tours

Using Jamroom

Thanks! Looks good.
07/03/14 10:56:34AM
584 posts

Power user quota.

Using Jamroom

I believe i do

Accounts 1.2.3
Profiles 1.2.23
updated by @dannya: 07/03/14 11:13:10AM
07/03/14 12:12:37AM
584 posts

Profile Tours

Using Jamroom

What is the 'Profile Tour" functionality? How can i customize it to provide a tour of a custom skin?
updated by @dannya: 08/04/14 11:11:16AM
07/02/14 11:40:59PM
584 posts

Power user quota.

Using Jamroom

I'm getting some strange behavior on power user quotas.

The power user is not able to create new profiles, although his quota setting permits it.
If i browse quotas, it shows the account is in the power user quota.
However, if i go to the profile settings of the power user's account, the 'profile quota' field is blank and nothing shows when i drop down; so its like the account is in the right quota, but the PROFILE of the power user is not.
updated by @dannya: 08/16/14 12:53:20PM
07/02/14 09:53:42PM
584 posts

SOX, LAME, and other audio functions

Jamroom Developers

I guess that's a start. I feel this module does allot more though. Here's the thing. I branch the audio module, or create my own, I don't know what else I might be missing that other modules depend on.

Don't other modules hook into the audio module? How do I know if a module has a dependency on the audio module. The biggest thing is the player and understanding how it interacts with the media.

I guess a flowchart would not help in this case anyway
07/02/14 09:48:50PM
584 posts

Play count

Using Jamroom

Great. Thanks
07/02/14 08:27:52PM
584 posts

Play count

Using Jamroom

How does jamroom control "Play count". Is there some mechanism to prevent people from increasing the playcount? How does that work?
updated by @dannya: 08/10/14 06:34:57AM