Are notifications unique to a profile or an account?
Jamroom Developers
Yes, but those actions happen at the profile level as well, not at the user level. But the same can be said for the other notifications:
New pending follower
New Follower
Follower approved
New comment posted
Item liked
mentioned in actifity stream
All of these actions are performed on a profile. If you are a power user, and you have many accounts, you cannot decide which profiles you want notifications for; you have to get them for all, which, if you are a label with many artists, could be many.
On the other hand, if 2 accounts have access to a profile, it's much easier to agree which one gets sets the notification prefences. And again, if you were able to specify the notification address(s) and/or url, you would have granular control.
I can appreciate your intent, but I don't think you've really thought through a lot of the power user scenarios and the complexities it presents. As you said, I will have to customize this as well. Not sure how to do it though since many modules depend on it...