Forum Activity for @dannya

03/17/15 02:25:03PM
584 posts

Custom notifications

Jamroom Developers

I haven't found anything in the documentation. Can you explain how the notification system works and how to create a new notification in integrate it into the profile notification options.

I am looking at how to send notification to the accounts linked to a specific profile AND to directly to specific accounts.
updated by @dannya: 04/18/15 08:51:52PM
03/13/15 01:02:42PM
584 posts

Playback timeout

Using Jamroom

Sure. You might want to do another pull if you are looking at the code. Solved some problems but have new ones.

On the bright side, Nate is working on it now so we have someone who built some of this and know how Jamroom works and is in our timezone. However we still need your help as all this stuff is new and undocumented. There is no real documentation on how S3 works, or how the queues and cloud modules work so your input will save a lot of time.
03/12/15 09:30:27PM
584 posts

Playback timeout

Using Jamroom

Haven't heard back from you about looking into the modules. Took the old developers off the task as they were not able to proceed and had no answers. Now I have Nate looking into it.
03/12/15 12:09:30AM
584 posts

Playback timeout

Using Jamroom

It seems they were talking about
_jrCloudS3_s3_media_get_media_url($profile_id, $file, $send_name = null, $expire_seconds = 0)

By extending the expire time, it allowed time for the download to work.

It seems the expiration time on the player might be something else. However, they don't have much clarity on the way stream.php works.
03/11/15 09:12:39AM
584 posts

Playback timeout

Using Jamroom

I have gotten the following feedback from the developers troubleshooting why certain files would not play back in the player:

As you have mentioned the file is not accessed to play in the media
player, I have debug the code and found to play the media URL get by the
function jrCore_media_file_stream() and creating the access URL from cloud
module function _jrCloudS3_s3_media_get_media_url() . These function returns
the S3 file URL with a value of expiry time.

The expiry time is taken do be current GMT timestamp. However by the time
the URL is hits the timestamp has expired by few milliseconds. We resolved
it by adding few seconds to the timestamp generated by the core classes. And
now the audio file is playing fine. We understand the Jamroom core class
might need modification by Jamroom team. Please advise.

updated by @dannya: 04/13/15 02:02:13AM
02/24/15 04:52:17PM
584 posts

S3- Cache

Using Jamroom

Does the cloud cache cache and session client use s3 yet?

I assume I have to configure each conversion and cache server with s3 module as well.
updated by @dannya: 02/24/15 05:39:13PM
02/24/15 03:13:11PM
584 posts

S3- Cache

Using Jamroom

Couple of random questions.

Does the cache folder on s3 automatically clear out expired files? This probably applies to local fs as well.

This is just for the resized image cache - there's no concept of "expiration" since it's not a traditional cache type setup. When an image changes, it's "signature" will change, and any previously cached versions of the image will no longer match that signature.

Right now there is no "check" for old files in the S3 cache - it's something I will check out.

Local filesystem you don't need to care about it - it keeps itself clean.

I understand where the cache comes into play for caching queries. But, how is a response from the cache folder any faster than a response from the media folder? Aren't you just doubling your storage?

And yes, I think there should be some script that looks at the TTL of cache objects and deletes anything that has expired; otherwise that folder will just grow and grow exponentially to the amount of content you have.
02/24/15 02:37:43PM
584 posts

S3- Cache

Using Jamroom

Couple of random questions.

Does the cache folder on s3 automatically clear out expired files? This probably applies to local fs as well.

Is there any problems with SSL since objects are coming from s3? Shouldn't we get a page security alert?
updated by @dannya: 03/30/15 07:06:06PM
02/24/15 12:11:06PM
584 posts

Creating custom Queue and cloud module

Using Jamroom

So how does the function on the remote server, or even on the main app server, know to look at the queue for a job? And how do you set it to get a file from s3.

Let me give you the specific use case.

I have a CLI for a waveform creation tool. I want the waveform creation to be performed by one of my conversion worker servers.

1. I assume the bpm detection module has to be on the conversion server.
2. I assume, when a file is finished uploading, I create a new queue task " create waveform".
3. How does the waveform creation module know to look at the queue for a new job?
4. How does the waveform creation module know to look in s3 for a specific file instead of local file system
5. How do i tell the waveform module to write the resulting image to s3 instead of the local file system?
02/23/15 09:51:20PM
584 posts

Creating custom Queue and cloud module

Using Jamroom

Can someone explain how to create a module that uses worker queues that can run a command line tool on a conversion server?
updated by @dannya: 03/30/15 03:25:36AM