Forum Activity for @msimon117

02/26/19 07:38:20PM
7 posts

What database?

Jamroom Hosting

What database is used on jamroom hosting Mysql or Maria?

We use MySQL.

Hope this helps!

Thanks you!
02/26/19 08:09:13AM
7 posts

What database?

Jamroom Hosting

What database is used on jamroom hosting Mysql or Maria?
updated by @msimon117: 05/29/19 05:12:31PM
08/06/18 10:09:38PM
7 posts

Top List chart by Genre

Design and Skin Customization

use {debug} to make sure that there is a value at {$item.audio_genre} where you're trying to use the {jrCore_list} call. If there is no value in that variable your jrCore_list call will fail for sure.

You're going to need a way to choose a genre, so probably that's going to come from the url

if you had a URL like that then inside the the-genre-choosing-page.tpl file the {debug} panel would show you that you have the work "punk" available on {$_post.genre}, so use THAT in your jrCore_list call.

Docs: "{debug}"

Thanks @michael that pointed me in the right direction got it to work
08/06/18 06:53:19PM
7 posts

Top List chart by Genre

Design and Skin Customization

I'm not 100% sure of what you're trying to do, but don't use audio.genre use audio_genre.

search="audio_genre = `$item.audio_genre`"

thanks I tried that before and it didn't work. i have a list with the genre in a column. i'm trying to allow the genre to be clicked on and a top list off that genre will display.
08/06/18 01:35:28AM
7 posts

Top List chart by Genre

Design and Skin Customization

I would like to have an ajax link that will list songs by genre in a top list.
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" quota_id="2" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="360" template="song_chart_row2.tpl" search = "audio.genre = `$item.audio_genre`" pagebreak="10" page=$_post.p}

how do I get {$item.audio_genre} from the previous page. I tried search = "audio.genre = `$item.audio_genre`" but it won't work in that way. I'm not sure how with this version of Jamroom
updated by @msimon117: 11/09/18 04:39:59PM
08/03/18 01:28:24PM
7 posts

URL from list to url for ajax use

Design and Skin Customization

Is it possible to convert this to a url for ajax use? {jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="7" tpl_dir="jrFlashback" template="music_chart_row.tpl" pagebreak="5" page=$_post.p}

updated by @msimon117: 11/04/18 04:37:20AM
07/30/18 03:18:31PM
7 posts

list chart by genre

Design and Skin Customization

is it possible to list charts by genre using this.
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" chart_field="audio_file_stream_count" chart_days="365" pagebreak="20" page=$_post.p}
updated by @msimon117: 11/01/18 09:06:19PM