Forum Activity for @covertlogic

04/30/15 02:31:30PM
21 posts

Just Released - new Site Builder module!


super cool! Was away for a week and came back to this. Love the constant updates and new additions.
04/18/15 09:15:29PM
21 posts


Using Jamroom

Just the thread i was looking for! I went through and redid all the icons (moduleroot/icon.png) and noticed it gets overwritten with every update. If i understand correctly the updates should only be writing the new update to a new folder, but the original folder images definitely get overwritten as well.

Example : modules/jrSmiley/icon.png reverts back to original icon.png even though the update was in /jrSmiley-release-1.1.3/ .

Im going to look into Michaels direction with events and listeners. Is that the most elegant way to keep custom icons at the moment? Thanks.
04/18/15 02:35:29PM
21 posts

Sprite Icon size - 18vs20

Design and Skin Customization

I noticed the site is already using different sized icons for different pages/modules... disregard my question :) I would need to manually change it appears. marking as complete.
04/18/15 12:32:39PM
21 posts

Sprite Icon size - 18vs20

Design and Skin Customization

I noticed a slightly larger set of action icons in data/media/0/0
(the ones that show everywhere and allow you to edit, add, delete module content)

one is sprite18 and one sprite20
with respective .css stylesheets.

I am currently using 18 but would like the slightly larger 20 sitewide.
I searched and looked around in admin but couldnt find a place to switch to the slightly larger version. Is there a place I might be missing, or is this something that needs to be changed out manually? Thanks so much.

updated by @covertlogic: 05/23/15 09:02:48AM
04/10/15 12:58:58PM
21 posts

Cluster ID, password and Queue Server URL for Hosting customers

Using Jamroom

If you use jamroom Hosting and the cloud modules were installed for you... but upon tinkering you reset the credentials jamroom set up for you : (Cluster ID, password and the Queue Server URL)...

How do you go about resolving? I believe we solved this elsewhere and the answer is to contact jamroom for the credentials again... but wanted to move this to its proper place for future reference.

updated by @covertlogic: 05/11/15 12:13:09AM
04/07/15 07:20:50PM
21 posts

Selling mp3 and wav at different pricing

Installation and Configuration

Thanks buddy! Thats whats what i was looking for.
04/07/15 12:36:43PM
21 posts

Changing Font Color / CSS

Design and Skin Customization

Ill stop answering CMS questions with code lol. It appears site builder does enjoy full customization control admin-side. cheers!
04/07/15 01:15:47AM
21 posts

Add an image to Site Builder html box

Design and Skin Customization

Answering again without knowing sitebuilder much lol, but perhaps its the info you need.
From a purely code stance, (im not sure how exactly that page was built)

What you are looking for is the css property "float".
Here is a fiddle showing it in a live environment:

If you can edit the html of the page, you could add float to it as such:
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-21134" src="" alt="about-us-01" width="298" height="444" style="float:left; margin-right:8px;">

A more elegant solution would be to create a float left class and simply add it to the class field of image as "floatleft" (this probably already exists)... such as:

<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-21134 floatleft" src="" alt="about-us-01" width="298" height="444">

Then in your site/themes .css file you would add the class:

.floatleft {float:left; margin-right:8px;}

Then you could simply add that class any time you wanted to float an image left.
updated by @covertlogic: 04/07/15 01:23:31AM
04/06/15 10:09:28PM
21 posts

Selling mp3 and wav at different pricing

Installation and Configuration

Googled/Searched around and didn't find much information. Has anyone figured out an elegant way to handle this without too much core modification? I know its an issue because jamroom sells the original upload and converts down only for previews. In the meantime Ill just keep it all 320k mp3. Thought Id ask about it, cheers.
updated by @covertlogic: 05/08/15 02:15:49PM
04/06/15 03:44:11PM
21 posts

Changing Font Color / CSS

Design and Skin Customization

You should be able to catch all of the body text with
#content {color:#000;}

Im unfamiliar with sitebuilder still, but if there are any theme settings overriding it, you can just tack on !important by adding this to your css [ #content {color:#000!important;]

Adding it to p {} or body might be a better option as it will live throughout the site vs only within the content div... up to you.
updated by @covertlogic: 04/06/15 03:46:41PM