jrAction_form in modal window like site search (jrElastic)
Design and Skin Customization
Could you share the section of code you used for this from the sitebuilder?
Does the tinymce editor manager need to be initialized into a hidden div?
Then does the modal window js call it into the modal window?
This is the original code in the Timeline include.php that holds the current conflict
if (!isset($_conf['jrAction_editor']) || $_conf['jrAction_editor'] != 'on') {
$out .= '<textarea cols="72" rows="6" id="action_update" name="action_text" placeholder="' . $_lang['jrAction'][3] . '" onfocus="$(this).attr(\'data-pl\', $(this).attr(\'placeholder\')).attr(\'placeholder\',\'\')" onblur="if($(this).val().length === 0){ $(this).attr(\'placeholder\', $(this).attr(\'data-pl\')) }"></textarea>
<img id="action_submit_indicator" src="' . $img . '" width="24" height="24" alt="' . jrCore_entity_string($_lang['jrCore'][73]) . '"><input id="action_submit" type="button" class="form_button" value="' . str_replace('"', '\"', $_lang['jrAction'][5]) . '" onclick="$(\'#action_submit_indicator\').show(300, function() { ;var t=$(\'#action_update\').val();if (t.length < 1){return false;} else {$(this).attr(\'disabled\',\'disabled\').addClass(\'form_button_disabled\');$(\'#action_form\').submit()} });">' .
$add . '</form>' .
'<span id="action_text_counter" class="action_warning">' . $_lang['jrAction'][6] . ': <span id="action_text_num">' . intval($_conf['jrAction_max_length']) . '</span></span>';
else {
updated by @the-patria-company: 02/26/16 12:11:19PM