Forum Activity for @the-patria-company

01/18/17 03:18:09PM
349 posts

Who to Follow - how to exclude a couple quota_id

Design and Skin Customization

I am working with the new FollowMe - Who to Follow side panel.

I have the {$profiles_to_follow} placed and looking good, but I need to exclude some quota_id(s).

How do I do that with this smarty?
updated by @the-patria-company: 06/24/17 10:15:40AM
12/30/16 08:08:37AM
349 posts

Subscription Cancellation Notification

Using Jamroom

I think the notifications (or lack there of) is what is most important.

I have designed other websites that are PCI compliant and we store CC info in the shopping cart. Gateways are just "pass-through" entities... except for PayPal which acts as a one-stop gateway/merchant service provider and consumer protection service. Paypal does store CC info, but others like do not. The customer/CC holder (our JR website members) would need to have a secured login to access their CC info and that is not offered via Foxycart (from what I can tell).

For right now I would just like to be notified when someone cancels a subscription or has a payment failure.
12/29/16 10:59:11AM
349 posts

Subscription Cancellation Notification

Using Jamroom

We use the Foxycart subscription module.
12/28/16 01:35:20PM
349 posts

Subscription Cancellation Notification

Using Jamroom

Just an update on this. I just had a conversation with another member concerning their CC needing to be updated. It declined but I did not receive any notification and neither did they. Plus, I have no clue how to help them update CC info.

Any thoughts?
12/28/16 01:31:35PM
349 posts

Events - small_calendar - display 3 consecutive months?

Design and Skin Customization

I would like to display the current month and the following 2 months on one page, using the small_calendar.tpl format.

How do I adjust the template to show {$month}+1 and {$month}+2 ?

{jrCore_module_url module="jrEvent" assign="murl"}

{if $month == 1}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="41" default="January" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 2}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="42" default="February" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 3}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="43" default="March" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 4}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="44" default="April" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 5}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="45" default="May" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 6}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="46" default="June" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 7}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="47" default="July" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 8}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="48" default="August" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 9}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="49" default="September" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 10}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="50" default="October" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 11}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="51" default="November" assign="month_lang"}{/if}
{if $month == 12}{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="52" default="December" assign="month_lang"}{/if}

<div class="center">
    <h4><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/calendar/{$month}/{$year}">{$month_lang} - {$year}</a></h4>

<div class="block" id="jrEvent_small_calendar">
    <table class="ecal-main ecal-calendar">
            {*<col class="ecal-week"/>*}
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            <col class="ecal-day"/>
            {*<th>{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="54" default="W"}</th>*}
        {if isset($_calendar) && is_array($_calendar)}
            {foreach $_calendar as $_weeks}
                {foreach $_weeks as $week => $_days}
                        {foreach $_days as $_d}
                                {if isset($_events) && is_array($_events[$]) && $_d.rel == 'this_month'}
                                    <div class="{$_d.class} has_events" title="{count($_events[$])} events today"><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/day={$}/month={$month}/year={$year}">{$}</a></div>
                                    <div class="{$_d.class}">{$}</div>

updated by @the-patria-company: 04/10/17 08:00:11PM
12/27/16 11:18:22AM
349 posts

Subscription Cancellation Notification

Using Jamroom

Is it possible for an admin to be notified when a subscription is cancelled?
updated by @the-patria-company: 04/22/17 02:39:16AM
12/25/16 09:28:25AM
349 posts

Stream Pay - To Stream or Not to Stream?

Installation and Configuration

So just to clarify. If an artist would like to stream and sell. They should upload two separate uploads of the same song or video. One at no price (download blocked) which will stream at full-length. Then a second upload that is available for sale, which will only stream a preview.

Am I understanding better how the system is set up to work?
12/25/16 08:31:57AM
349 posts

Multi-lingual workflow

Design and Skin Customization

Is it possible to have the subdomain sites

share the same db? If we are on JR Hosting, are those changes in the config file, something that would be managed by JR Support?

12/25/16 06:59:18AM
349 posts

Stream Pay - To Stream or Not to Stream?

Installation and Configuration

How does an artist choose whether or not they want their media to be full-length streamed?

For example, directly after an album release the artist would typically only want a sample available to encourage new album sales, but later would want to make those items available for full streaming.

Currently, I can only see an option for "Audio Sample Length" - but I do not see a selection like, "Allow Profile Owner to Choose". I seem to remember this from earlier JR versions. This would also be very helpful in getting our site radio back up and running, like we had on our older version JR sites. I miss the radio/video stations.

updated by @the-patria-company: 03/26/17 11:18:43PM