Skin Templates
Design and Skin Customization
Is it possible to call a "module template" using {jrCore_include} directly into a site-builder page using Template Code?
Currently, I have several pages using this template that I have added into the skin directory:
{jrCore_include template="t_electricians.tpl"}
However, periodically for no known reason, that tpl file is being deleted from the skin directory. This is important because I have determined, from a time investment standpoint, that it is not financially feasible to manage a custom skin with all of the updates that come out. So I need to use an out-of-the-box skin. My modifications are easy to manage and compare (within the skin template manager), but new template files that I add are being deleted. Of course, I expect this to happen when I update the skin, but these files are being deleted randomly.
So anyways, I am tired of fighting with it and just want to create a module where I can manage these additional templates. Is this possible?
updated by @the-patria-company: 09/21/18 01:02:22AM