Where are my groups after Ning import?
Ning To Jamroom
Thx... I want to make myself (the admin profile) owner of all groups and then assign (original) owners as moderators.
Also, When one clicks on the group to get details about the group... I want to change image sizes.
This maybe a "for hire" job.
I want the bigger image (currently of the group "owner") to be the SIZE of the GROUP image and then feature a photo of the moderator(s) somewhere smaller.
I want the group itself emphasized rather than the moderator/owner.
This is one of those things that with the original purpose of JR may have served it well by featuring/emphasizing a band who started a group with a large photo, but for more community oriented websites many owners will want less emphasis on who BEGAN the group and not have group owner photos take up so much real estate on the group pages.
one of the downfalls of Ning that bugged many owners is that Member A would start a group but then Member A was group owner indefinitely. Every time anyone posted to this group the feed would say "Member C posted a comment on Member A's group GROUP NAME." It drove us nuts that we could NEVER change the group owner. So we either dealt with that person being group owner forever or deleted the group--and many of the group's had hundred of people who were ver active.
PS: Not sure how popular groups were in JR original features but the more options you give groups in the future, the more likely you can easily sway Ning users over. This will be a common issue for migrators needing to transfer group owners too. (FYI this week I have had issues getting into my Ning administration, members cannot login--says correct pw is invalid-- and they are getting 404 errors when posting comments. Ning is 'going down' It is like knowing the blue screen is about to pop up on your computer. Great marketing opp for JR!)