unable to delete groups I created
Ning To Jamroom
Thanks for the ideas... been there, tried it unfortunately.
I cleared my cache and rebooted as well and the same thing is occurring. It is also occurring when I try to click the "update" button for groups. Here are the 4 screenshots that show what I am doing
1. go to group's main page
2. click on group
3. click on delete
4. answer "yes" - I am sure I want to delete it
5. am returned to the main page of all groups again and it's still listed. hit refresh, hit Shift F5. scream a bit, say a prayer, check again on groups page and it's still listed.
6. rinse and repeat
Now that I can try to update the comments features on groups, I have tried using the update gear button as well, but am getting the same response.
1. click the update button
2. be sent back to my main groups page /groups.