Forum Activity for @researchcooperative

04/07/21 05:09:05PM
694 posts

Empty cart message ("under construction" message needed)

Using Jamroom

Thanks - solved. I changed the string so now members and visitors can tell me if they want this:

Co-op Sales module is UNDER CONSTRUCTION_please contact Admin if sales option is needed
04/07/21 04:39:48AM
694 posts

Empty cart message ("under construction" message needed)

Using Jamroom

I am still in testing mode for Ecommerce - JR Payments module, so it is only active for Admin quota.

Nevertheless, when I am not logged in, a cart menu tab is displayed in the main menu, and when I click on this, and automatic message appears (see screenshot attached).

I would like to either:

(1) change the message that results when the cart tab is clicked on by site visitors (informing that our ecommerce system is under construction), or

(2) not display the cart tab while the module activated only for the Admin quota.

What is the best thing to do in this situation, and what is possible?
Empty cart message_non-logged-in visitor.png Empty cart message_non-logged-in visitor.png - 26KB

updated by @researchcooperative: 07/07/21 01:50:38PM
03/29/21 04:39:29AM
694 posts

JR4 still the best. Why you abondoned this?!

Using Jamroom


Over the years, non-technical developers such as me have probably asked the same or similar questions over and over. Perhaps it would be possible to build a structured "support forum highlights" of "forum index" page targeted to the most naive users.... something in between a FAQ and the Documentation.

The other feature that could help is an index to sites that have successfully used JR for a representative range of purposes, with some kind of review (provided by the site developers, not by JR) on how this was achieved for each site. This could serve to promote those sites and help new users imagine what can be done, with more or less effort.

Another thought is that it would be great to have a JR Education Foundation that can accept donations and funnel funds to the training and certification of developers who in turn can help naive users to build sites with JR. Having a certification system would make it easier for people to spend what they can spend with more confidence.

Can we hope for a future developer-customer ecosystem in which there are:
JR Architects (high-end developers) who can command high prices for their work (for those who can afford them),
JR Builders who can do reliable, robust structural work, even if it lacks the artistry of the architect, and..
JR Carpenters who can deal with small jobs and basic site maintenance?
updated by @researchcooperative: 03/29/21 04:42:22AM
03/23/21 05:08:45PM
694 posts

When disscussions are transferred to another group, do members of the receiving group receive a bunch of notifications?

Using Jamroom

I have been moving discussions from one group to another before deleting the source group.

Does this kind of action automatically result in notifications being sent to members of the source and receiving groups?

I would like to avoid flooding members with notifications when this kind of house-keeping action is taken.
updated by @researchcooperative: 07/18/21 01:35:22AM
02/05/21 04:52:17AM
694 posts

How to edit error messages?

Using Jamroom

Thanks... that helped, though the Core language strings I needed to change turned out to be 30, 31, and 103. The error message is now shorter, with caps at start (see below).

Small changes, but they may help (and should work in other error message combinations).

New error message:

PROBLEM:- invalid value for "short self description" - value must be a string, with maximum of 120 characters
02/04/21 04:00:55PM
694 posts

How to edit error messages?

Using Jamroom


The message comes up in the Registration form that uses see at Signup. Attached doc shows the message. The field in which I have entered too many words is also highlighted.
Registration error message 5-2-21.png Registration error message 5-2-21.png - 151KB
02/04/21 05:08:00AM
694 posts

How to edit error messages?

Using Jamroom

I need to edit an edit an error message that appears when form field is not properly filled during signup.

In the user module where signup is configured, I cannot find any language string or template that matches the error message.

Where should I be looking?
updated by @researchcooperative: 05/07/21 06:58:21AM
01/18/21 09:36:03PM
694 posts

Social Sign in and the Terms of Servce (TOS) agreement

Using Jamroom

Either the system needs fixing, or I need fixing!

Thanks, Peter
01/13/21 06:37:21PM
694 posts

Social Sign in and the Terms of Servce (TOS) agreement

Using Jamroom

When visitors join my network with social sign in, they are taken straight to their new account settings page without seeing the TOS statement and checkbox that are revealed during the JR native signup process. This leads to at least two questions:

1) What are the legal implications?

2) What is the best way to guide social sign in members to the TOS statement and checkbox?
updated by @researchcooperative: 08/24/21 01:08:53PM